Extra Features

SmallRye Fault Tolerance provides several features that are not present in the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification. Note that these features may have experimental status, marked by the @Experimental annotation.

Circuit Breaker Maintenance

It is sometimes useful to see the circuit breaker status from within the application, or reset it to the initial state. This is possible in two steps:

  1. Give the circuit breaker a name by annotating the guarded method with @CircuitBreakerName:

    public class MyService {
        @CircuitBreakerName("hello-cb") (1)
        public String hello() {
    1 The circuit breaker guarding the MyService.hello method is given a name hello-cb.
  2. Inject CircuitBreakerMaintenance and call its methods:

    public class Example {
        CircuitBreakerMaintenance maintenance;
        public void test() {
            System.out.println("Circuit breaker state: "
                + maintenance.currentState("hello-cb")); (1)
            maintenance.resetAll(); (2)
    1 Obtains current circuit breaker state.
    2 Resets all circuit breakers to the initial state.

The CircuitBreakerMaintenance interface provides 3 methods:

  1. currentState(name): returns current state of given circuit breaker. The return type CircuitBreakerState is an enum with 3 values: CLOSED, OPEN, HALF_OPEN.

  2. reset(name): resets given circuit breaker to the initial state.

  3. resetAll(): resets all circuit breakers in the application to the initial state.

@Blocking and @NonBlocking

In addition to the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance @Asynchronous annotation, which can be placed on methods returning Future or CompletionStage, SmallRye Fault Tolerance also supports 2 more annotations for asynchronous processing:

  • @io.smallrye.common.annotation.Blocking

  • @io.smallrye.common.annotation.NonBlocking

These annotations can have multiple meanings, depending on context. SmallRye Fault Tolerance only pays attention to these annotations if:

  • they are placed on methods that return CompletionStage (the Future type can’t really be used for non-blocking processing);

  • they are placed on methods that apply some fault tolerance strategy (such as @Fallback, defined either on a method or a class).

Under these circumstances, SmallRye Fault Tolerance assigns these annotations the following meaning:

  • @Blocking means that execution of the operation will be offloaded to another thread. In other words, it is an equivalent of @Asynchronous. Use this annotation if the method has blocking logic, but you don’t want to block the caller thread.

    For example:

    public class MyService {
        @Retry (1)
        @Blocking (2)
        CompletionStage<String> hello() {
    1 A fault tolerance annotation. If this wouldn’t be present, the @Blocking annotation would be meaningless.
    2 Using the @Blocking annotation, because the method blocks and it is necessary to offload its execution to another thread. With this annotation present, the @Asynchronous annotation is not necessary, and so it is omitted here.

    The thread pool that is used for offloading method calls is the one provided by the runtime that integrates SmallRye Fault Tolerance.

  • @NonBlocking means that the execution of the operation will not be offloaded to another thread (even if the method is annotated @Asynchronous). Use this annotation if the method doesn’t have blocking logic and you want the execution to stay on the caller thread.

    Note that if the guarded method also uses @Retry and some delay between retries is configured, only the initial execution will occur on the original thread. Subsequent attempts will be offloaded to an extra thread, so that the original thread is not blocked on the delay.

    For example:

    public class MyService {
        @Retry (1)
        @NonBlocking (2)
        CompletionStage<String> hello() {
    1 A fault tolerance annotation. If this wouldn’t be present, the @NonBlocking annotation would be meaningless.
    2 Using the @NonBlocking annotation, because the method doesn’t block and offloading execution to another thread is not necessary. With this annotation present, the @Asynchronous annotation is not necessary, and so it is omitted here.


We believe that the @Asynchronous annotation is misnamed, because its meaning is "offload execution to another thread". This isn’t always appropriate in modern asynchronous programming, where methods are often non-blocking and thread offload is not required. We believe that declaring whether the method blocks or not is a better aproach.

At the same time, we designed these annotations to be used by a variety of frameworks, so SmallRye Fault Tolerance can’t eagerly intercept all methods using them. We also want to stay compatible with the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification as much as possible. For these reasons, SmallRye Fault Tolerance only considers these annotations for methods that use some fault tolerance strategy.


For methods that use fault tolerance and return CompletionStage, we recommend to declare their @Blocking or @NonBlocking nature. In such case, the @Asynchronous annotation becomes optional.

We also recommend to avoid @Asynchronous methods that return Future, because the only way to obtain the future value is blocking.

Additional Asynchronous Types

MicroProfile Fault Tolerance supports asynchronous fault tolerance for methods that return CompletionStage. (The Future type is not truly asynchronous, so we won’t take it into account here.) SmallRye Fault Tolerance adds support for additional asynchronous types:

  • Mutiny: Uni

  • RxJava: Single, Maybe, Completable

  • Reactor: Mono

These types are treated just like CompletionStage, so everything that works for CompletionStage works for these types as well. Stream-like types (Multi, Observable, Flowable, Flux) are not supported, because their semantics can’t be easily expressed in terms of CompletionStage.

For example:

public class MyService {
    @NonBlocking (1)
    Uni<String> hello() { (2)
1 Using the @NonBlocking annotation described in @Blocking and @NonBlocking, because the method doesn’t block and offloading execution to another thread is not necessary.
2 Returning the Uni type from Mutiny. This shows that whatever works for CompletionStage also works for the other async types.

The implementation is based on the SmallRye Reactive Converters project. This means that to be able to use any particular asynchronous type, the corresponding converter library must be present. It is possible that the runtime you use already provides the correct integration. Otherwise, add a dependency to your application:

  • Mutiny: io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-converter-mutiny

  • RxJava 1: io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-converter-rxjava1

  • RxJava 2: io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-converter-rxjava2

  • RxJava 3: io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-converter-rxjava3

  • Reactor: io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-converter-reactor