Project Structure

  • api: SmallRye Fault Tolerance API, additional to the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API. Treated as a public API.

  • implementation/core: Implementation of core fault tolerance strategies. Independent of the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API or the SmallRye Fault Tolerance API. Treated as private API, no compatibility guaranteed.

  • implementation/fault-tolerance: Implementation of the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance API and the SmallRye Fault Tolerance API. Based on CDI and the core module.

  • implementation/context-propagation: Optional integration with MicroProfile Context Propagation. See Context Propagation integration.

  • implementation/tracing-propagation: Optional integration between MicroProfile Context Propagation and OpenTracing. See OpenTracing integration.

  • testsuite/basic: Basic test suite. Some parts of it overlap with the Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance TCK.

  • testsuite/integration: Context Propagation integration test suite.

  • testsuite/tck: Runs the implementation against the Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance TCK.

  • doc: This documentation.