Basic Usage


As an application developer, you don’t have to "install" SmallRye Fault Tolerance in any way. Your chosen runtime, such as Quarkus or WildFly, already integrates SmallRye Fault Tolerance to provide MicroProfile Fault Tolerance. Please refer to the documentation of your selected runtime to understand how to enable MicroProfile Fault Tolerance.

If you are a framework developer, interested in integrating SmallRye Fault Tolerance, please refer to the integration chapter.


MicroProfile Fault Tolerance is built on top of CDI and interceptors. This lets you guard method calls with selected fault tolerance strategies simply by annotating a CDI bean class or method with one of the fault tolerance annotations. For example:

@Singleton (1)
public class MyService {
    @Retry (2)
    public String hello() {
1 @Singleton is a bean defining annotation. It makes the MyService class a CDI bean.
2 @Retry is a fault tolerance annotation. It could also be placed on the class, in which case it would apply to all methods in the class.

Here, if the hello method throws an exception, the invocation will be retried several times, until the method returns a value.

CDI beginners often expect that this will work if you create an instance manually: new MyService(). That is not the case. You have to let the CDI container construct an instance for you and inject it: @Inject MyService service. What you get injected is actually a proxy that implements the additional behaviors.

The fault tolerance strategies present in MicroProfile Fault Tolerance, together with the corresponding annotations, are:

  • @Asynchronous: offload method execution to another thread

  • @Bulkhead: limit concurrent invocations

  • @CircuitBreaker: prevent invocations if previous invocations failed too often

  • @Fallback: provide alternative result in case of a failure

  • @Retry: retry several times in case of a failure

  • @Timeout: fail if the invocation takes too long

We won’t go into detail here. This is all described in the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.


The fault tolerance strategies can be configured using annotation attributes, such as:

public class MyService {
    @Retry(maxRetries = 10, retryOn = IOException.class) (1)
    public String hello() {
1 Retries will only be attempted if the thrown exception was IOException. Other exceptions will be rethrown directly. Also the maximum number of retry attempts is changed to 10 (the default is 3).

This is convenient, but changing such configuration requires recompilation. For that reason, MicroProfile Fault Tolerance also allows configuration using MicroProfile Config. For example:


Again, this is all described in the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification, so we won’t go into detail here.


The MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification describes how implementations should expose metrics over MicroProfile Metrics. As usual, this is described in the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.