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Health reporting

The RabbitMQ connector reports the readiness and liveness of each channel managed by the connector.

On the inbound side (receiving messages from RabbitMQ), the check verifies that the receiver is connected to the broker.

On the outbound side (sending records to RabbitMQ), the check verifies that the sender is not disconnected from the broker; the sender may still be in an initialized state (connection not yet attempted), but this is regarded as live/ready.

You can disable health reporting by setting the health-enabled attribute of the channel to false. It disables both liveness and readiness. You can disable readiness reporting by setting the health-readiness-enabled attribute of the channel to false.

@Channel and lazy subscription

When you inject a channel using @Channel annotation, you are responsible for subscribing to the channel. Until the subscription happens, the channel is not connected to the broker and thus cannot receive messages. The default health check will fail in this case.

To handle this use case, you need to configure the health-lazy-subscription attribute of the channel to true. It configures the health check to not fail if there are no subscription yet.