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Configuring the schema used for Pulsar channels

Pulsar messages are stored with payloads as unstructured byte array. A Pulsar schema defines how to serialize structured data to the raw message bytes The schema is applied in producers and consumers to write and read with an enforced data structure. It serializes data into raw bytes before they are published to a topic and deserializes the raw bytes before they are delivered to consumers.

Pulsar uses a schema registry as a central repository to store the registered schema information, which enables producers/consumers to coordinate the schema of a topic's messages through brokers. By default the Apache BookKeeper is used to store schemas.

Pulsar API provides built-in schema information for a number of primitive types and complex types such as Key/Value, Avro and Protobuf.

The Pulsar Connector allows specifying the schema as a primitive type using the schema property:



If the value for the schema property matches a Schema Type a simple schema will be created with that type and will be used for that channel.

The Pulsar Connector allows configuring complex schema types by providing Schema beans through CDI, identified with the @Identifier qualifier.

For example the following bean provides an Avro schema and a Key/Value schema:

package pulsar.configuration;

import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces;

import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.schema.KeyValue;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.schema.KeyValueEncodingType;

import io.smallrye.common.annotation.Identifier;

public class PulsarSchemaProvider {

    Schema<User> userSchema = Schema.AVRO(User.class);

    Schema<KeyValue<Integer, User>> keyValueSchema() {
        return Schema.KeyValue(Schema.INT32, Schema.JSON(User.class), KeyValueEncodingType.SEPARATED);

    public static class User {
        String name;
        int age;


To configure the incoming channel users with defined schema, you need to set the schema property to the identifier of the schema user-schema:


If no schema property is found, the connector looks for Schema beans identified with the channel name. For example, the outgoing channel a-channel will use the key/value schema.


If no schema information is provided incoming channels will use Schema.AUTO_CONSUME(), whereas outgoing channels will use Schema.AUTO_PRODUCE_BYTES() schemas.