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Health reporting

The Kafka connector reports the startup, readiness and liveness of each channel managed by the connector.


To disable health reporting, set the health-enabled attribute for the channel to false.

Startup & Readiness

Metrics-based strategy

By default, both inbound and outbound channels use underlying Kafka client metrics to check if at least one active connection exists with a broker. This strategy is lightweight and does not require additional remote interactions with the broker.

Client-based strategy

You can also enable another strategy by setting the health-topic-verification-enabled attribute to true. With this second strategy, the health checks use a Kafka Admin Client to access the broker and retrieve the list of existing topics. Retrieving this list can be a lengthy and expensive operation. You can configure a timeout using the health-topic-verification-timeout attribute. The default timeout is set to 2 seconds. Note that if the timeout is reached, the health check fails.


health-readiness-topic-verification and health-readiness-timeout attributes are deprecated and replaced by health-topic-verification-enabled and health-topic-verification-timeout.

For startup checks both inbound and outbound side verify that the Kafka topic is created and its partitions are available in the broker. If multiple topics are consumed using the topics attribute, the readiness check verifies that all the consumed topics are available. If you use a pattern (using the pattern attribute), the readiness check verifies that at least one existing topic matches the pattern.

For readiness checks inbound channels verify that the underlying consumer is assigned at least a partition to consume. On the outbound side (writing records to Kafka) verify that the broker is still accessible.


If health-topic-verification-enabled is enabled, both for startup and readiness checks use this strategy. They can be disabled explicitly using health-topic-verification-startup-disabled and health-topic-verification-readiness-disabled flags.

To summarize for startup and readiness health checks:


Inbound Outbound
Metrics-based connection-count metric > 0 or
no subscribers to the stream
connection-count metric > 0
Client-based Subscribed topic(s) exist in the broker and are available Produced topic exist in the broker and is available


Inbound Outbound
Metrics-based connection-count metric > 0 or
no subscribers to the stream
connection-count metric > 0
Client-based Consumer has at least one partition assignment
no subscribers to the stream
Cluster is acessible using the Kafka admin API


On the inbound side (receiving records from Kafka), the liveness check verifies that:

  • no failures have been caught

  • the client is connected to the broker

On the outbound side (writing records to Kafka), the liveness check verifies that:

  • no failures have been caught

Note that a message processing failures nacks the message which is then handled by the failure-strategy. It the responsibility of the failure-strategy to report the failure and influence the outcome of the liveness checks. The fail failure strategy reports the failure and so the liveness check will report the failure.