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Using RabbitMQ

This connector is for AMQP 1.0. RabbitMQ implements AMQP 0.9.1. RabbitMQ does not provide AMQP 1.0 by default, but there is a plugin for it. To use RabbitMQ with this connector, enable and configure the AMQP 1.0 plugin.

Despite the plugin, a few features won’t work with RabbitMQ. Thus, we recommend the following configurations.

To receive messages from RabbitMQ:

  • Set durable to false

To send messages to RabbitMQ:

  • set the destination address (anonymous sender are not supported)

It’s not possible to change the destination dynamically (using message metadata) when using RabbitMQ. The connector automatically detects that the broker does not support anonymous sender (See

Alternatively, you can use the RabbitMQ connector.