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Apache Pulsar Connector

The Pulsar connector adds support for Apache Pulsar to Reactive Messaging. With it you can consume Pulsar Messages as well as produce message into Pulsar.

Apache Pulsar an open-source, distributed messaging and streaming platform built for the cloud. For more details about Pulsar, check the documentation.

Pulsar implements the publish-subscribe pattern. Producers publish messages to topics. Consumers create subscriptions to those topics to receive and process incoming messages, and send acknowledgments to the broker when processing is finished.

When a subscription is created, Pulsar retains all messages, even if the consumer is disconnected. The retained messages are discarded only when a consumer acknowledges that all these messages are processed successfully.

A Pulsar message consists of

  • value, payload data that message contains, while Pulsar messages contain payloads as unstructured byte array, a schema is applied to write and read with an enforced data structure
  • key of type string, used for partitioning
  • properties, optional key/value map
  • topic, the topic that the message is published to
  • producer name, the name of the producer who produces the message
  • message ID, the ID assigned by bookies to a message as soon as the message is persistently stored
  • sequence ID, the ID assigned by producers, indicating its order in that sequence
  • publish time, timestamp automatically added by the producer
  • event time, optional timestamp added by the application

A Pulsar cluster consists of - One or more brokers, which are stateless components - A metadata store for maintaining topic metadata, schema, coordination and cluster configuration. By default, a Zookeeper cluster is used, except the standalone mode - A ensemble of bookies used for persistent storage of messages

Using the Pulsar Connector

To use the Pulsar Connector, add the following dependency to your project:


The connector name is: smallrye-pulsar.

So, to indicate that a channel is managed by this connector you need:

# Inbound

# Outbound