All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractEmitter<T> |
AbstractMediator |
Acknowledgment |
Configure the acknowledgement policy for the given @Incoming .
Acknowledgment.Strategy |
AmqpAccept |
AmqpClientHelper |
AmqpConfiguration |
AmqpConnector |
AmqpConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-amqp connector.
AmqpConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-amqp connector.
AmqpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-amqp connector.
AmqpCreditBasedSender |
AMQPExceptions |
Exceptions for AMQP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16000-16099
AMQPExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
AmqpFailStop |
AmqpFailureHandler |
AmqpFailureHandler.Strategy |
AMQPLogging |
Logging for AMQP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16200-16299
AMQPLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
AmqpMessage<T> |
AmqpMessageBuilder<T> |
AmqpMessageConverter |
AMQPMessages |
Messages for AMQP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16100-16199
AMQPMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
AmqpModifiedFailed |
This nack strategy marking the message as modified and set the delivery-failed attribute to true .
AmqpModifiedFailedAndUndeliverableHere |
This nack strategy marking the message as modified and set the delivery-failed attribute to true ,
as well as the undeliverable-here flag to true .
AmqpReject |
AmqpRelease |
BaseCloudEventMetadata<T> |
BeanUsingAnEmitter |
BeanUsingAnEmitter |
BeanUsingAnEmitter |
Blocking |
Identifies that a particular method performs blocking operations,
and as such should be executed on separate worker.
Broadcast |
Configure if the annotated publisher should dispatch the messages to several subscribers.
BroadcastHelper |
BufferSerializer |
ByteArraySerializer |
ByteBufferSerializer |
CamelConnector |
CamelConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-camel connector.
CamelConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-camel connector.
CamelConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-camel connector.
CamelExceptions |
Exceptions for Camel Connector
Assigned ID range is 17600-17699
CamelExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
CamelFailStop |
CamelFailureHandler |
CamelFailureHandler.Strategy |
CamelIgnoreFailure |
CamelLogging |
Logging for Camel Connector
Assigned ID range is 17800-17899
CamelLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
CamelMessage<T> |
CamelMessages |
Messages for Camel Connector
Assigned ID range is 17700-17799
CamelMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
Channel |
Channel |
This qualifier indicates which channel should be injected / populated.
ChannelProducer |
This component computes the right object to be injected into injection point using Channel and the
deprecated Channel .
ChannelRegistar |
ChannelRegistry |
ClassUtils |
Allows checking if a class can be assigned to a variable from another class.
ClassWriter |
Clients |
Clients.ClientHolder |
CloudEventExceptions |
Exceptions for Cloud event Connector
Assigned ID range is 15300-15399
CloudEventExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
CloudEventLogging |
Logging for Cloud event Connector
Assigned ID range is 15500-15599
CloudEventLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
CloudEventMessage<T> |
Message extending Cloud Events.
CloudEventMessageBuilder<T> |
CloudEventMessages |
Messages for Cloud event Connector
Assigned ID range is 15400-15499
CloudEventMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
CloudEventMetadata<T> |
Represents Cloud Event metadata
CloudEventSerializer |
CommonConfigurationClassWriter |
Generates the parent class used by the incoming and outgoing configuration classes.
ConfigurationClassWriter |
ConfigurationCleaner |
ConfigurationDocWriter |
ConfiguredChannelFactory |
Look for stream factories and get instances.
ConnectionHolder |
Connector |
Qualifier used on connector implementations to indicate the associated underlying transport.
ConnectorAttribute |
Annotation used to declare an attribute on the connector.
ConnectorAttribute.Direction |
ConnectorAttributeProcessor |
ConnectorAttributes |
ConnectorConfig |
Implementation of config used to configured the different messaging provider / connector.
ConnectorFactory |
ConnectorLiteral |
Supports inline instantiation of the Connector qualifier.
ConsumerRecordConverter |
Convert an incoming Kafka message into a ConsumerRecord .
ContextHolder |
A class holding a vert.x context to make sure methods are always run from the same one.
Converter<I,O> |
DefaultCloudEventMessage<T> |
DefaultCloudEventMetadataBuilder<T> |
DefaultIncomingCloudEventMetadata<T> |
DefaultIncomingKafkaCloudEventMetadata<K,T> |
DefaultMediatorConfiguration |
DefaultMediatorConfiguration.AlwaysInvalidIndexGenericTypeAssignable |
DefaultMediatorConfiguration.MethodParamGenericTypeAssignable |
DefaultMediatorConfiguration.ReturnTypeGenericTypeAssignable |
DefaultOutgoingCloudEventMetadata<T> |
DeserializationFailureHandler<T> |
Bean invoked on Kafka deserialization failure.
DeserializerWrapper<T> |
Wraps a delegate deserializer to handle config and deserialization failures.
Emitter<T> |
Emitter<T> |
Interface used to feed a channel from an imperative piece of code.
EmitterBehavior |
EmitterConfiguration |
Emitter configuration.
EmitterImpl<T> |
Implementation of the emitter pattern.
EventBusExceptions |
Exceptions for EventBus Connector
Assigned ID range is 16600-16699
EventBusExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
EventBusLogging |
Logging for EventBus Connector
Assigned ID range is 16800-16899
EventBusLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
EventBusMessage<T> |
EventBusMessages |
Messages for EventBus Connector
Assigned ID range is 16700-16799
EventBusMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
EventBusSink |
ExecutionHolder |
Provides common runtime services to connectors, such as a Vertx instance,
to avoid duplicating the creation and cleanup of shared components across connectors.
HeaderExtractAdapter |
HeaderInjectAdapter |
HealthCenter |
Component responsible to compute the current state of the reactive messaging application.
HealthCenter.ReportedFailure |
HealthChecks |
HealthReport |
Represent an health status and its set of attached data.
HealthReport.ChannelInfo |
Structure storing the health detail of a specific channel.
HealthReport.HealthReportBuilder |
HealthReporter |
Interface implemented by connector to participate to the health data collection.
HttpConnector |
HttpConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-http connector.
HttpConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-http connector.
HttpConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-http connector.
HttpExceptions |
Exceptions for HTTP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16300-16399
HttpExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
HttpLogging |
Logging for HTTP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16500-16599
HttpLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
HttpMessage<T> |
HttpMessage.HttpMessageBuilder<T> |
HttpMessages |
Messages for HTTP Connector
Assigned ID range is 16400-16499
HttpMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
HttpRequestMetadata |
Metadata for incoming HTTP messages.
HttpResponseMetadata |
Metadata for outgoing HTTP messages handled by the HTTP connector.
HttpResponseMetadata.HttpResponseMetadataBuilder |
HttpSource |
ImmutableJmsProperties |
Incoming |
Used to signify a subscriber to incoming messages.
IncomingAmqpMetadata |
IncomingCloudEventMetadata<T> |
Represents the Cloud Event metadata from an incoming message.
IncomingConnectorFactory |
SPI used to implement a connector managing a source of messages for a specific transport.
IncomingExchangeMetadata |
IncomingJmsMessage<T> |
IncomingJmsMessageMetadata |
IncomingKafkaCloudEventMetadata<K,T> |
Addition "extension" attribute specific to incoming Kafka record
IncomingKafkaRecord<K,T> |
IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata<K,T> |
Incomings |
This class is used to allow multiple Incoming declarations.
InMemoryConnector |
An implementation of connector used for testing applications without having to use external broker.
InMemoryExceptions |
Exceptions for In-memory Connector
Assigned ID range is 18300-18399
InMemoryExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
InMemoryLogging |
Logging for In-memory Connector
Assigned ID range is 18500-18599
InMemoryLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
InMemoryMessages |
Messages for In-memory Connector
Assigned ID range is 18400-18499
InMemoryMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
InMemorySink<T> |
Allows interacting with an in-memory sink.
InMemorySource<T> |
Allows interacting with an in-memory source.
InternalChannelRegistry |
Invoker |
JmsConnector |
JmsConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-jms connector.
JmsConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-jms connector.
JmsConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-jms connector.
JmsExceptions |
Exceptions for JMS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15600-15699
JmsExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
JmsLogging |
Logging for JMS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15800-15899
JmsLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
JmsMessageMetadata |
JmsMessages |
Messages for JMS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15700-15799
JmsMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
JmsProperties |
Structure handling JMS Message properties.
JmsPropertiesBuilder |
JmsPropertiesBuilder.OutgoingJmsProperties |
JmsPropertiesBuilder.Property<T> |
JmsTask |
JsonArraySerializer |
JsonHelper |
JsonHelper |
Be aware that this class is kafka specific.
JsonObjectSerializer |
KafkaAdminHelper |
KafkaCDIEvents |
KafkaCloudEventHelper |
KafkaCloudEventHelper.CloudEventMode |
KafkaCommitHandler |
KafkaCommitHandler.Strategy |
KafkaConnector |
KafkaConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-kafka connector.
KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-kafka connector.
KafkaConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-kafka connector.
KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener |
When implemented by a managed bean annotated with Named and
configured against an inbound connector will be applied as a consumer re-balance listener
to that inbound connector's consumer.
KafkaDeadLetterQueue |
KafkaExceptions |
Exceptions for Kafka Connector
Assigned ID range is 18000-18099
KafkaExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
KafkaFailStop |
KafkaFailureHandler |
KafkaFailureHandler.Strategy |
KafkaIgnoreCommit |
Ignores an ACK and does not commit any offsets.
KafkaIgnoreFailure |
KafkaLatestCommit |
Will commit the record offset received by the Kafka consumer (if higher than the previously committed offset).
KafkaLogging |
Logging for Kafka Connector
Assigned ID range is 18200-18299
KafkaLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
KafkaMessage<K,T> |
KafkaMessageMetadata<K> |
KafkaMessages |
Messages for Kafka Connector
Assigned ID range is 18100-18199
KafkaMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
KafkaPriceConsumer |
KafkaPriceMessageConsumer |
KafkaPriceMessageProducer |
KafkaPriceProducer |
KafkaRecord<K,T> |
KafkaSink |
KafkaSource<K,V> |
KafkaThrottledLatestProcessedCommit |
Will keep track of received messages and commit to the next offset after the latest
ACKed message in sequence.
KafkaThrottledLatestProcessedCommit.TooManyMessagesWithoutAckException |
LegacyConfiguredChannelFactory |
Look for stream factories and get instances.
LegacyEmitterImpl<T> |
Implementation of the old (legacy) Emitter interface.
Main |
Main |
Main |
Main |
MediatorConfiguration |
MediatorConfiguration.Consumption |
MediatorConfiguration.Production |
MediatorConfigurationSupport |
MediatorConfigurationSupport.GenericTypeAssignable |
MediatorConfigurationSupport.GenericTypeAssignable.Result |
MediatorConfigurationSupport.ValidationOutput |
MediatorFactory |
MediatorManager |
Class responsible for managing mediators
Merge |
Temporary annotation - must be copied to spec.
Merge.Mode |
Message<T> |
A message envelope.
MessageConverter |
Converter transforming Message<A> into Message<B> .
MessageConverter.IdentityConverter |
Metadata |
Message metadata containers.
MetricDecorator |
MqttConnector |
MqttConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-mqtt connector.
MqttConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-mqtt connector.
MqttConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-mqtt connector.
MqttExceptions |
Exceptions for MQTT Connector
Assigned ID range is 17000-17099
MqttExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttFailStop |
MqttFailureHandler |
MqttFailureHandler.Strategy |
MqttHelpers |
MqttIgnoreFailure |
MqttLogging |
Logging for MQTT Connector
Assigned ID range is 17100-17199
MqttLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttMessage<T> |
MqttMessage |
MqttMessages |
Messaging for MQTT Connector
Assigned ID range is 17200-17299
MqttMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttServerConnector |
MqttServerConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-mqtt-server connector.
MqttServerConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-mqtt-server connector.
MqttServerConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-mqtt-server connector.
MqttServerExceptions |
Exceptions for MQTT Server Connector
Assigned ID range is 17300-17399
MqttServerExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttServerLogging |
Logging for MQTT Server Connector
Assigned ID range is 17500-17599
MqttServerLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttServerMessages |
Messages for MQTT Server Connector
Assigned ID range is 17400-17499
MqttServerMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
MqttServerQuickstart |
MqttSink |
MqttSource |
MutinyEmitter<T> |
Interface used to feed a channel from an imperative piece of code.
MutinyEmitterImpl<T> |
MyCloudEventProcessor |
MyCloudEventSink |
MyCloudEventSource |
OnOverflow |
OnOverflow |
Configures the back pressure policy on an injected Emitter :
OnOverflow.Strategy |
The back pressure strategy.
OnOverflow.Strategy |
The back pressure strategy.
Outgoing |
Used to signify a publisher of outgoing messages.
OutgoingAmqpMessage<T> |
OutgoingAmqpMetadata |
OutgoingAmqpMetadata.OutgoingAmqpMetadataBuilder |
OutgoingCloudEventMetadata<T> |
Represents the Cloud Event metadata for an outgoing message.
OutgoingCloudEventMetadataBuilder<T> |
OutgoingConnectorFactory |
SPI used to implement a connector managing a sink of messages for a specific transport.
OutgoingExchangeMetadata |
OutgoingJmsMessageMetadata |
OutgoingJmsMessageMetadata.OutgoingJmsMessageMetadataBuilder |
OutgoingKafkaRecord<K,T> |
OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata<K> |
OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadata.OutgoingKafkaRecordMetadataBuilder<K> |
ProcessingException |
ProcessorMediator |
ProviderExceptions |
ProviderExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
ProviderLogging |
ProviderLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
ProviderMessages |
ProviderMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
PublisherDecorator |
SPI to allow extension of publishers included in the final graph
PublisherMediator |
PubSubConfig |
PubSubConnector |
PubSubExceptions |
Exceptions for GCP Pub/Sub Connector
Assigned ID range is 14600-14699
PubSubExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
PubSubLogging |
Logging for GCP Pub/Sub Connector
Assigned ID range is 14800-14899
PubSubLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
PubSubManager |
PubSubMessage |
PubSubMessageReceiver |
PubSubMessages |
Messages for GCP Pub/Sub Connector
Assigned ID range is 14700-14799
PubSubMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
PubSubSource |
ReactiveMessagingExtension |
RebalanceListeners |
Receiver |
Receiver |
Receiver |
ReceivingMqttMessage |
Record<K,V> |
Represents a produced Kafka record, so a pair {key, value}.
RecordConverter |
Convert an incoming Kafka message into a Record .
Sender |
SendingMqttMessage<T> |
Serializer<I> |
Shape |
SmallRyeReactiveMessagingExtender |
SmallRyeReactiveMessagingLivenessCheck |
SmallRyeReactiveMessagingReadinessCheck |
SnsConnector |
Implement incoming/outgoing connection factories for Amazon Simple Notification Service reactive messaging.
SnsConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-aws-sns connector.
SnsConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-aws-sns connector.
SnsConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-aws-sns connector.
SnsExceptions |
Exceptions for AWS SNS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15000-15099
SnsExceptions_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
SnsLogging |
Exceptions for AWS SNS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15200-15299
SnsLogging_$logger |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
SnsMessage |
SnsMessages |
Messages for AWS SNS Connector
Assigned ID range is 15100-15199
SnsMessages_$bundle |
Warning this class consists of generated code.
SnsVerticle |
Vert.x verticle that handles subscription to SNS topic and receive notifications from topic.
StreamTransformerMediator |
StringSerializer |
SubscriberMediator |
SubscriberWrapper<I,T> |
TracingMetadata |
TypeUtils |
Utility methods focusing on type inspection, particularly with regard to
Validation |
VertxEventBusConnector |
VertxEventBusConnectorCommonConfiguration |
Extracts the common configuration for the smallrye-vertx-eventbus connector.
VertxEventBusConnectorIncomingConfiguration |
Extract the incoming configuration for the smallrye-vertx-eventbus connector.
VertxEventBusConnectorOutgoingConfiguration |
Extract the outgoing configuration for the smallrye-vertx-eventbus connector.
WeavingException |
WorkerPoolRegistry |
Wrap |