Class KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration

        public KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration​(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
        Creates a new KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration.
    • Method Detail

      • getTopics

        public Optional<String> getTopics()
        Gets the topics value from the configuration. Attribute Name: topics Description: A comma-separating list of topics to be consumed. Cannot be used with the `topic` or `pattern` properties
        the topics
      • getPattern

        public Boolean getPattern()
        Gets the pattern value from the configuration. Attribute Name: pattern Description: Indicate that the `topic` property is a regular expression. Must be used with the `topic` property. Cannot be used with the `topics` property Default Value: false
        the pattern
      • getKeyDeserializer

        public String getKeyDeserializer()
        Gets the key.deserializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: key.deserializer Description: The deserializer classname used to deserialize the record's key Default Value: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
        the key.deserializer
      • getValueDeserializer

        public String getValueDeserializer()
        Gets the value.deserializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: value.deserializer Description: The deserializer classname used to deserialize the record's value Mandatory: yes
        the value.deserializer
      • getFetchMinBytes

        public Integer getFetchMinBytes()
        Gets the fetch.min.bytes value from the configuration. Attribute Name: fetch.min.bytes Description: The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. The default setting of 1 byte means that fetch requests are answered as soon as a single byte of data is available or the fetch request times out waiting for data to arrive. Default Value: 1
        the fetch.min.bytes
      • getGroupId

        public Optional<String> getGroupId()
        Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: A unique string that identifies the consumer group the application belongs to. If not set, a unique, generated id is used
      • getEnableAutoCommit

        public Boolean getEnableAutoCommit()
        Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: If enabled, consumer's offset will be periodically committed in the background by the underlying Kafka client, ignoring the actual processing outcome of the records. It is recommended to NOT enable this setting and let Reactive Messaging handles the commit. Default Value: false
      • getRetry

        public Boolean getRetry()
        Gets the retry value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry Description: Whether or not the connection to the broker is re-attempted in case of failure Default Value: true
        the retry
      • getRetryAttempts

        public Integer getRetryAttempts()
        Gets the retry-attempts value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry-attempts Description: The maximum number of reconnection before failing. -1 means infinite retry Default Value: -1
        the retry-attempts
      • getRetryMaxWait

        public Integer getRetryMaxWait()
        Gets the retry-max-wait value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry-max-wait Description: The max delay (in seconds) between 2 reconnects Default Value: 30
        the retry-max-wait
      • getBroadcast

        public Boolean getBroadcast()
        Gets the broadcast value from the configuration. Attribute Name: broadcast Description: Whether the Kafka records should be dispatched to multiple consumer Default Value: false
        the broadcast
      • getAutoOffsetReset

        public String getAutoOffsetReset()
        Gets the auto.offset.reset value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto.offset.reset Description: What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka.Accepted values are earliest, latest and none Default Value: latest
        the auto.offset.reset
      • getFailureStrategy

        public String getFailureStrategy()
        Gets the failure-strategy value from the configuration. Attribute Name: failure-strategy Description: Specify the failure strategy to apply when a message produced from a record is acknowledged negatively (nack). Values can be `fail` (default), `ignore`, or `dead-letter-queue` Default Value: fail
        the failure-strategy
      • getCommitStrategy

        public Optional<String> getCommitStrategy()
        Gets the commit-strategy value from the configuration. Attribute Name: commit-strategy Description: Specify the commit strategy to apply when a message produced from a record is acknowledged. Values can be `latest`, `ignore` or `throttled`. If `` is true then the default is `ignore` otherwise it is `throttled`
        the commit-strategy
      • getThrottledUnprocessedRecordMaxAgeMs

        public Integer getThrottledUnprocessedRecordMaxAgeMs()
        Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: While using the `throttled` commit-strategy, specify the max age in milliseconds that an unprocessed message can be before the connector is marked as unhealthy. Default Value: 60000
      • getDeadLetterQueueTopic

        public Optional<String> getDeadLetterQueueTopic()
        Gets the dead-letter-queue.topic value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue.topic Description: When the `failure-strategy` is set to `dead-letter-queue` indicates on which topic the record is sent. Defaults is `dead-letter-topic-$channel`
        the dead-letter-queue.topic
      • getDeadLetterQueueKeySerializer

        public Optional<String> getDeadLetterQueueKeySerializer()
        Gets the dead-letter-queue.key.serializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue.key.serializer Description: When the `failure-strategy` is set to `dead-letter-queue` indicates the key serializer to use. If not set the serializer associated to the key deserializer is used
        the dead-letter-queue.key.serializer
      • getDeadLetterQueueValueSerializer

        public Optional<String> getDeadLetterQueueValueSerializer()
        Gets the dead-letter-queue.value.serializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: dead-letter-queue.value.serializer Description: When the `failure-strategy` is set to `dead-letter-queue` indicates the value serializer to use. If not set the serializer associated to the value deserializer is used
        the dead-letter-queue.value.serializer
      • getPartitions

        public Integer getPartitions()
        Gets the partitions value from the configuration. Attribute Name: partitions Description: The number of partitions to be consumed concurrently. The connector creates the specified amount of Kafka consumers. It should match the number of partition of the targeted topic Default Value: 1
        the partitions
      • getCloudEvents

        public Boolean getCloudEvents()
        Gets the cloud-events value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events Description: Enables (default) or disables the Cloud Event support. If enabled, the connector analyzes the incoming records and try to create Cloud Event metadata. Default Value: true
        the cloud-events
      • getConsumerRebalanceListenerName

        public Optional<String> getConsumerRebalanceListenerName()
        Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: The name set in `javax.inject.Named` of a bean that implements `io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.kafka.KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener`. If set, this rebalance listener is applied to the consumer.
      • getKeyDeserializationFailureHandler

        public Optional<String> getKeyDeserializationFailureHandler()
        Gets the key-deserialization-failure-handler value from the configuration. Attribute Name: key-deserialization-failure-handler Description: The name set in `javax.inject.Named` of a bean that implements `io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.kafka.DeserializationFailureHandler`. If set, deserialization failure happening when deserializing keys are delegated to this handler which may provide a fallback value.
        the key-deserialization-failure-handler
      • getValueDeserializationFailureHandler

        public Optional<String> getValueDeserializationFailureHandler()
        Gets the value-deserialization-failure-handler value from the configuration. Attribute Name: value-deserialization-failure-handler Description: The name set in `javax.inject.Named` of a bean that implements `io.smallrye.reactive.messaging.kafka.DeserializationFailureHandler`. If set, deserialization failure happening when deserializing values are delegated to this handler which may provide a fallback value.
        the value-deserialization-failure-handler