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Creating Multi pipelines#

A Multi represents a stream of data. A stream can emit 0, 1, n, or an infinite number of items.

You will rarely create instances of Multi yourself but instead use a reactive client that exposes a Mutiny API. Still, just like Uni there exists a rich API for creating Multi objects.

The Multi type#

A Multi<T> is a data stream that:

  • emits 0..n item events
  • emits a failure event
  • emits a completion event for bounded streams


Failures are terminal events: after having received a failure no further item will be emitted.

Multi<T> provides many operators that create, transform, and orchestrate Multi sequences. The operators can be used to define a processing pipeline. The events flow in this pipeline, and each operator can process or transform the events.

Multis are lazy by nature. To trigger the computation, you must subscribe.

The following snippet provides a simple example of pipeline using Multi:

Multi.createFrom().items(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        .onItem().transform(i -> i * 2)

Subscribing to a Multi#

Remember, if you don’t subscribe, nothing is going to happen. Also, the pipeline is materialized for each subscription.

When subscribing to a Multi, you can pass an item callback (invoked when the item is emitted), or pass two callbacks, one receiving the item and one receiving the failure, or three callbacks to handle respectively the item, failure and completion events.

Cancellable cancellable = multi
                item -> System.out.println(item),
                failure -> System.out.println("Failed with " + failure),
                () -> System.out.println("Completed"));

Note the returned Cancellable: this object allows canceling the stream if need be.

Creating Multi from items#

There are many ways to create Multi instances. See Multi.createFrom() to see all the possibilities.

For instance, you can create a Multi from known items or from an Iterable:

Multi<Integer> multiFromItems = Multi.createFrom().items(1, 2, 3, 4);
Multi<Integer> multiFromIterable = Multi.createFrom().iterable(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Every subscriber receives the same set of items (1, 25) just after the subscription.

You can also use Suppliers:

AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
Multi<Integer> multi = Multi.createFrom().items(() ->
        IntStream.range(counter.getAndIncrement(), counter.get() * 2).boxed());

The Supplier is called for every subscriber, so each of them will get different values.


You can create ranges using Multi.createFrom().range(start, end).

Creating failing Multis#

Streams can also fail.

Failures are used to indicate to the downstream subscribers that the source encountered a terrible error and cannot continue emitting items. Create failed Multi instances with:

// Pass an exception directly:
Multi<Integer> failed1 = Multi.createFrom().failure(new Exception("boom"));

// Pass a supplier called for every subscriber:
Multi<Integer> failed2 = Multi.createFrom().failure(() -> new Exception("boom"));

Creating empty Multis#

Unlike Uni, Multi streams don’t send null items (this is forbidden in reactive streams).

Instead Multi streams send completion events indicating that there are no more items to consume. Of course, the completion event can happen even if there are no items, creating an empty stream.

You can create such a stream using:

Multi<String> multi = Multi.createFrom().empty();

Creating Multis using an emitter (advanced)#

You can create a Multi using an emitter. This approach is useful when integrating callback-based APIs:

Multi<Integer> multi = Multi.createFrom().emitter(em -> {

The emitter can also send a failure. It can also get notified of cancellation to, for example, stop the work in progress.

Creating Multis from ticks (advanced)#

You can create a stream that emit a ticks periodically:

Multi<Long> ticks = Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofMillis(100));

The downstream receives a long, which is a counter. For the first tick, it’s 0, then 1, then 2, and so on.

Creating Multis from a generator (advanced)#

You can create a stream from some initial state, and a generator function:

Multi<Object> sequence = Multi.createFrom().generator(() -> 1, (n, emitter) -> {
    int next = n + (n / 2) + 1;
    if (n < 50) {

    } else {
    return next;

The initial state is given through a supplier (here () -> 1). The generator function accepts 2 arguments:

  • the current state,
  • an emitter that can emit a new item, emit a failure, or emit a completion.

The generator function return value is the next current state. Running the previous example gives the following number suite: {2, 4, 7, 11, 17, 26, 40, 61}.