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JDK Flow from/to Reactive Streams Adapters

The mutiny-zero-flow-adapters library (Maven coordinates io.smallrye.reactive:mutiny-zero-flow-adapters) provides a clean room implementation of adapters from and to the JDK Flow interfaces that match those from Reactive Streams.

Why another adapter library?

The implementation of our adapters is similar in spirit to those from the Reactive Streams library, but they differ by:

  • failing early rather than passing null through in some cases,
  • shipping under a proper open source license while the Reactive Streams library hasn't made any progress towards publishing a new release, see #536 and #530
  • having correct JPMS (Java modules) descriptors for those who might need modules rather than the classpath.

How to use it?

The public API exposes 2 types:

  • AdaptersToFlow to convert Reactive Streams types to Flow types, and
  • AdaptersToReactiveStreams to convert Flow types to Reactive Streams types.

Each type offers factory methods to convert from one type to the other. For instance here's how you can convert from a Reactive Streams Publisher to a Flow.Publisher:

Publisher<String> rsPublisher = connect("foo"); // ... where 'connect' returns a Publisher<String>

Flow.Publisher<String> flowPublisher = AdaptersToFlow.publisher(rsPublisher);