Class BaseBridgeEvent

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    BridgeEvent, BridgeEvent

    public class BaseBridgeEvent
    extends Promise<Boolean>
    Represents an event that occurs on the event bus bridge.

    Please consult the documentation for a full explanation.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseBridgeEvent

        public BaseBridgeEvent​(io.vertx.ext.bridge.BaseBridgeEvent delegate)
      • BaseBridgeEvent

        public BaseBridgeEvent​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • tryComplete

        public boolean tryComplete​(Boolean arg0)
        tryComplete in class Promise<Boolean>
        arg0 - the result
        false when the future is already completed
      • future

        public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Boolean> future()
        Description copied from class: Promise

        Unlike the bare Vert.x variant, this method returns a Uni. Don't forget to subscribe on it to trigger the operation.

        future in class Promise<Boolean>
        the uni firing the result of the operation when completed, or a failure if the operation failed.
      • futureAndAwait

        public Boolean futureAndAwait()
        Description copied from class: Promise
        Blocking variant of Promise.future().

        This method waits for the completion of the underlying asynchronous operation. If the operation completes successfully, the result is returned, otherwise the failure is thrown (potentially wrapped in a RuntimeException).

        futureAndAwait in class Promise<Boolean>
        the T instance produced by the operation.
      • futureAndForget

        public void futureAndForget()
        Description copied from class: Promise
        Variant of Promise.future() that ignores the result of the operation.

        This method subscribes on the result of Promise.future(), but discards the outcome (item or failure). This method is useful to trigger the asynchronous operation from Promise.future() but you don't need to compose it with other operations.

        futureAndForget in class Promise<Boolean>
      • type

        public io.vertx.ext.bridge.BridgeEventType type()
        the type of the event
      • getRawMessage

        public io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject getRawMessage()
        the raw JSON message for the event
      • setRawMessage

        public BaseBridgeEvent setRawMessage​(io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject message)
        message - the raw message
        this reference, so it can be used fluently
      • newInstance

        public static BaseBridgeEvent newInstance​(io.vertx.ext.bridge.BaseBridgeEvent arg)