Class ServerWebSocketHandshake

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServerWebSocketHandshake extends Object implements MutinyDelegate
A server WebSocket handshake, allows to control acceptance or rejection of a WebSocket.

NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ServerWebSocketHandshake

      public ServerWebSocketHandshake(io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketHandshake delegate)
    • ServerWebSocketHandshake

      public ServerWebSocketHandshake(Object delegate)
  • Method Details

    • getDelegate

      public io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketHandshake getDelegate()
      Specified by:
      getDelegate in interface MutinyDelegate
      the delegate used by this Mutiny object of generated type
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • headers

      public MultiMap headers()
      the headers
    • scheme

      public String scheme()
      the WebSocket handshake scheme
    • authority

      public HostAndPort authority()
      the WebSocket handshake authority
    • uri

      public String uri()
    • path

      public String path()
      the WebSocket handshake path.
    • query

      public String query()
      the WebSocket handshake query string.
    • accept

      @CheckReturnValue public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<ServerWebSocket> accept()
      Accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.

      This method should be called from the WebSocket handler to explicitly accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.

      Unlike the bare Vert.x variant, this method returns a Uni. Don't forget to subscribe on it to trigger the operation.

      the uni firing the result of the operation when completed, or a failure if the operation failed.
    • acceptAndAwait

      public ServerWebSocket acceptAndAwait()
      Blocking variant of accept().

      This method waits for the completion of the underlying asynchronous operation. If the operation completes successfully, the result is returned, otherwise the failure is thrown (potentially wrapped in a RuntimeException).

      the ServerWebSocket instance produced by the operation.
    • acceptAndForget

      public void acceptAndForget()
      Variant of accept() that ignores the result of the operation.

      This method subscribes on the result of accept(), but discards the outcome (item or failure). This method is useful to trigger the asynchronous operation from accept() but you don't need to compose it with other operations.

    • reject

      @CheckReturnValue public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Void> reject()
      Reject the WebSocket.

      Calling this method from the WebSocket handler when it is first passed to you gives you the opportunity to reject the WebSocket, which will cause the WebSocket handshake to fail by returning a response code.

      You might use this method, if for example you only want to accept WebSockets with a particular path.

      Unlike the bare Vert.x variant, this method returns a Uni. Don't forget to subscribe on it to trigger the operation.

      the uni firing the result of the operation when completed, or a failure if the operation failed.
    • rejectAndAwait

      public Void rejectAndAwait()
      Blocking variant of reject().

      This method waits for the completion of the underlying asynchronous operation. If the operation completes successfully, the result is returned, otherwise the failure is thrown (potentially wrapped in a RuntimeException).

      the Void instance produced by the operation.
    • rejectAndForget

      public void rejectAndForget()
      Variant of reject() that ignores the result of the operation.

      This method subscribes on the result of reject(), but discards the outcome (item or failure). This method is useful to trigger the asynchronous operation from reject() but you don't need to compose it with other operations.

    • reject

      @CheckReturnValue public io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni<Void> reject(int status)
      Like reject() but with a status.

      Unlike the bare Vert.x variant, this method returns a Uni. Don't forget to subscribe on it to trigger the operation.

      status -
      the uni firing the result of the operation when completed, or a failure if the operation failed.
    • rejectAndAwait

      public Void rejectAndAwait(int status)
      Blocking variant of reject(int).

      This method waits for the completion of the underlying asynchronous operation. If the operation completes successfully, the result is returned, otherwise the failure is thrown (potentially wrapped in a RuntimeException).

      status -
      the Void instance produced by the operation.
    • rejectAndForget

      public void rejectAndForget(int status)
      Variant of reject(int) that ignores the result of the operation.

      This method subscribes on the result of reject(int), but discards the outcome (item or failure). This method is useful to trigger the asynchronous operation from reject(int) but you don't need to compose it with other operations.

      status -
    • remoteAddress

      public SocketAddress remoteAddress()
      the remote address for this connection, possibly null (e.g a server bound on a domain socket). If useProxyProtocol is set to true, the address returned will be of the actual connecting client.
    • localAddress

      public SocketAddress localAddress()
      the local address for this connection, possibly null (e.g a server bound on a domain socket) If useProxyProtocol is set to true, the address returned will be of the proxy.
    • isSsl

      public boolean isSsl()
      true if this HttpConnection is encrypted via SSL/TLS.
    • sslSession

      public SSLSession sslSession()
      SSLSession associated with the underlying socket. Returns null if connection is not SSL.
    • newInstance

      public static ServerWebSocketHandshake newInstance(io.vertx.core.http.ServerWebSocketHandshake arg)