Extended metadata

SmallRye Metrics provides its own class for metadata, io.smallrye.metrics.ExtendedMetadata, which contains a few additional fields. Usage of this is not mandatory, unless you need to make use of these extra fields.

The extra fields are:




The expression designating the JMX MBean property from which the value of this metric will be retrieved. This is meant to be used only for base and vendor metrics, see Base and vendor metrics for more information


Is set to true if mbean expression contains placeholders and therefore multiple metrics can potentially be created out of this definition.


Optional configuration to prepend the microprofile scope to the metric name when it is exported to the OpenMetrics format. By default, the option is empty() and will not be taken into account. If true, the scope is prepended to the metric name when the OpenMetrics name is generated (e.g. vendor_foo}. If false, the scope is added to the metric tags instead (e.g. foo{microprofile_scope="vendor"}. This option has precedence over the global configuration (config property smallrye.metrics.usePrefixForScope)


If true, then the metrics scope will be omitted completely when exporting the metric. For example, instead of application_metric1, the OpenMetrics key will be just metric1. This can be useful for various special compatibility use cases. However, dropping the scope means that if there are metrics with the same name under multiple scopes, they might not be distinguishable in the OpenMetrics output. This is currently not handled in any way in SmallRye, so the user should make sure this will not happen.


If set, this property overrides the OpenMetrics key under which the metric will be presented in an OpenMetrics export. Normal export rules defined by the MicroProfile Metrics specification are therefore ignored. Only applies to non-compound metrics, that is counters and gauges.

The ExtendedMetadata class also comes with a fluent builder - io.smallrye.metrics.ExtendedMetadataBuilder.