Health Groups

A health group is simply a user defined group of health checks. Namely, liveness and readiness (and experimental wellness) are predefined health groups. With this feature users are allowed to define any number of custom health groups and the individual checks that will belong to them.

Including a check in a health group

To include a health check in a custom health group you can use the HealthGroup annotations:

@HealthGroup("group1") (1)
@HealthGroup("group2") (2)
public class SuccessfulCustom implements HealthCheck {
    public HealthCheckResponse call() {
        return HealthCheckResponse.up("successful-check");
1 The check will belong to the health group "group1"
2 The check will also belong to the health group "group2"

A health check can be included in any number of health groups including the liveness and readiness:

public class GroupsCheck implements HealthCheck { ...

Accessing the health groups

The custom health groups are exposed under the /health/group resource tree:




All health checks in all groups


All health checks in the group called {group-name}

Please note that is totally valid to define custom health group as a liveness and/or readiness probe if required. Both liveness and readiness are shorcuts for predefined health groups.

In the previous example, the GroupsCheck will be invoked when accessing:

  • /health/group

  • /health/group/custom1

  • /health/group/different-group

  • /health/live

However, it won’t be invoked for instance when accessing:

  • /health/group/foobar

  • /health/ready
