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Receiving messages from AMQP

The AMQP connector lets you retrieve messages from an AMQP broker or router. The AMQP connector retrieves AMQP Messages and maps each of them into Reactive Messaging Messages.


Let’s imagine you have an AMQP broker (such as Apache ActiveMQ Artemis) running, and accessible using the amqp:5672 address (by default it would use localhost:5672). Configure your application to receive AMQP Messages on the prices channel as follows:

amqp-host=amqp # <1>
amqp-port=5672 # <2>
amqp-username=my-username # <3>
amqp-password=my-password # <4>

mp.messaging.incoming.prices.connector=smallrye-amqp # <5>
  1. Configures the broker/router host name. You can do it per channel (using the host attribute) or globally using amqp-host

  2. Configures the broker/router port. You can do it per channel (using the port attribute) or globally using amqp-port. The default is 5672.

  3. Configures the broker/router username if required. You can do it per channel (using the username attribute) or globally using amqp-username.

  4. Configures the broker/router password if required. You can do it per channel (using the password attribute) or globally using amqp-password.

  5. Instructs the prices channel to be managed by the AMQP connector


You don’t need to set the AMQP address. By default, it uses the channel name (prices). You can configure the address attribute to override it.

Then, your application receives Message<Double>. You can consume the payload directly:

package amqp.inbound;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming;

public class AmqpPriceConsumer {

    public void consume(double price) {
        // process your price.


Or, you can retrieve the Message<Double>:

package amqp.inbound;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Message;

public class AmqpPriceMessageConsumer {

    public CompletionStage<Void> consume(Message<Double> price) {
        // process your price.

        // Acknowledge the incoming message, marking the AMQP message as `accepted`.
        return price.ack();



The connector converts incoming AMQP Messages into Reactive Messaging Message<T> instances. T depends on the body of the received AMQP Message.

The AMQP Type System defines the supported types.

AMQP Body Type <T>
AMQP Value containing a AMQP Primitive Type the corresponding Java type
AMQP Value using the Binary type byte[]
AMQP Sequence List
AMQP Data (with binary content) and the content-type is set to application/json JsonObject
AMQP Data with a different content-type byte[]

If you send objects with this AMQP connector (outbound connector), it gets encoded as JSON and sent as binary. The content-type is set to application/json. You can receive this payload using (Vert.x) JSON Objects, and then map it to the object class you want:

public static class Generator {

    public Multi<Price> prices() {                      // <1>
        AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
        return Multi.createFrom().ticks().every(Duration.ofMillis(1000))
                .map(l -> new Price().setPrice(count.incrementAndGet()))


public static class Consumer {

    List<Price> prices = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

    public void consume(JsonObject p) {             // <2>
        Price price = p.mapTo(Price.class);         // <3>

    public List<Price> list() {
        return prices;
  1. The Price instances are automatically encoded to JSON by the connector

  2. You can receive it using a JsonObject

  3. Then, you can reconstruct the instance using the mapTo method

Inbound Metadata

Messages coming from AMQP contains an instance of IncomingAmqpMetadata

Optional<IncomingAmqpMetadata> metadata = incoming.getMetadata(IncomingAmqpMetadata.class);
metadata.ifPresent(meta -> {
    String address = meta.getAddress();
    String subject = meta.getSubject();
    boolean durable = meta.isDurable();
    // Use io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
    JsonObject properties = meta.getProperties();
    // ...


When a Reactive Messaging Message associated with an AMQP Message is acknowledged, it informs the broker that the message has been accepted.

Failure Management

If a message produced from an AMQP message is nacked, a failure strategy is applied. The AMQP connector supports six strategies:

  • fail - fail the application; no more AMQP messages will be processed (default). The AMQP message is marked as rejected.

  • accept - this strategy marks the AMQP message as accepted. The processing continues ignoring the failure. Refer to the accepted delivery state documentation.

  • release - this strategy marks the AMQP message as released. The processing continues with the next message. The broker can redeliver the message. Refer to the released delivery state documentation.

  • reject - this strategy marks the AMQP message as rejected. The processing continues with the next message. Refer to the rejected delivery state documentation.

  • modified-failed - this strategy marks the AMQP message as modified and indicates that it failed (with the delivery-failed attribute). The processing continues with the next message, but the broker may attempt to redeliver the message. Refer to the modified delivery state documentation

  • modified-failed-undeliverable-here - this strategy marks the AMQP message as modified and indicates that it failed (with the delivery-failed attribute). It also indicates that the application cannot process the message, meaning that the broker will not attempt to redeliver the message to this node. The processing continues with the next message. Refer to the modified delivery state documentation

Configuration Reference

Attribute (alias) Description Type Mandatory Default
address The AMQP address. If not set, the channel name is used string false
auto-acknowledgement Whether the received AMQP messages must be acknowledged when received boolean false false
broadcast Whether the received AMQP messages must be dispatched to multiple subscribers boolean false false
capabilities A comma-separated list of capabilities proposed by the sender or receiver client. string false
client-options-name (amqp-client-options-name) The name of the AMQP Client Option bean used to customize the AMQP client configuration string false
cloud-events Enables (default) or disables the Cloud Event support. If enabled on an incoming channel, the connector analyzes the incoming records and try to create Cloud Event metadata. If enabled on an outgoing, the connector sends the outgoing messages as Cloud Event if the message includes Cloud Event Metadata. boolean false true
connect-timeout (amqp-connect-timeout) The connection timeout in milliseconds int false 1000
container-id The AMQP container id string false
durable Whether AMQP subscription is durable boolean false false
failure-strategy Specify the failure strategy to apply when a message produced from an AMQP message is nacked. Accepted values are fail (default), accept, release, reject, modified-failed, modified-failed-undeliverable-here string false fail
health-timeout The max number of seconds to wait to determine if the connection with the broker is still established for the readiness check. After that threshold, the check is considered as failed. int false 3
host (amqp-host) The broker hostname string false localhost
link-name The name of the link. If not set, the channel name is used. string false
password (amqp-password) The password used to authenticate to the broker string false
port (amqp-port) The broker port int false 5672
reconnect-attempts (amqp-reconnect-attempts) The number of reconnection attempts int false 100
reconnect-interval (amqp-reconnect-interval) The interval in second between two reconnection attempts int false 10
sni-server-name (amqp-sni-server-name) If set, explicitly override the hostname to use for the TLS SNI server name string false
tracing-enabled Whether tracing is enabled (default) or disabled boolean false true
use-ssl (amqp-use-ssl) Whether the AMQP connection uses SSL/TLS boolean false false
username (amqp-username) The username used to authenticate to the broker string false
virtual-host (amqp-virtual-host) If set, configure the hostname value used for the connection AMQP Open frame and TLS SNI server name (if TLS is in use) string false

You can also pass any property supported by the Vert.x AMQP client as attribute.

To use an existing address or queue, you need to configure the address, container-id and, optionally, the link-name attributes. For example, if you have an Apache Artemis broker configured with:

    <queue name="people">

You need the following configuration:


You may need to configure the link-name attribute, if the queue name is not the channel name:


Receiving Cloud Events

The AMQP connector supports Cloud Events. When the connector detects a structured or binary Cloud Events, it adds a IncomingCloudEventMetadata into the metadata of the Message. IncomingCloudEventMetadata contains accessors to the mandatory and optional Cloud Event attributes.

If the connector cannot extract the Cloud Event metadata, it sends the Message without the metadata.

Binary Cloud Events

For binary Cloud Events, all mandatory Cloud Event attributes must be set in the AMQP application properties, prefixed by cloudEvents: (as mandated by the protocol binding). The connector considers headers starting with the cloudEvents: prefix but not listed in the specification as extensions. You can access them using the getExtension method from IncomingCloudEventMetadata.

The datacontenttype attribute is mapped to the content-type header of the record.

Structured Cloud Events

For structured Cloud Events, the event is encoded in the record’s value. Only JSON is supported, so your event must be encoded as JSON in the record’s value.

Structured Cloud Event must set the content-type header of the record to application/cloudevents+json; charset=UTF-8. The message body must be a valid JSON object containing at least all the mandatory Cloud Events attributes.

If the record is a structured Cloud Event, the created Message’s payload is the Cloud Event data.