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Supported signatures

The following tables list the supported method signatures and indicate the various supported features. For instance, they indicate the default and available acknowledgement strategies (when applicable).

Method signatures to generate data

Signature Invocation time
@Outgoing Publisher<Message<O>> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Publisher<O> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Multi<Message<O>> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Multi<O> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Flow.Publisher<Message<O>> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Flow.Publisher<O> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing PublisherBuilder<Message<O>> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing PublisherBuilder<O> method() ` Called once at assembly time
@Outgoing Message<O> method() ` Called for every downstream request, sequentially
@Outgoing O method() ` Called for every downstream request, sequentially
@Outgoing CompletionStage<Message<O>> method() ` Called for every downstream request, sequentially (After the completion of the last returned CompletionStage)
@Outgoing CompletionStage<O> method() ` Called for every downstream request, , sequentially (After the completion of the last returned CompletionStage)
@Outgoing Uni<Message<O>> method() ` Called for every downstream request, sequentially (After the completion of the last returned Uni)
@Outgoing Uni<O> method() ` Called for every downstream request, , sequentially (After the completion of the last returned Uni)

Method signatures to consume data

Signature Invocation time Supported Acknowledgement Strategies
@Incoming void method(I p) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming CompletionStage<?> method(Message<I> msg) Called for every incoming message (sequentially) MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming CompletionStage<?> method(I p) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE
@Incoming Uni<?> method(Message<I> msg) Called for every incoming message (sequentially) MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming Uni<?> method(I p) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE
@Incoming Subscriber<Message<I>> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming Subscriber<I> method() Called once at assembly time POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming Flow.Subscriber<Message<I>> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming Flow.Subscriber<I> method() Called once at assembly time POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming SubscriberBuilder<Message<I>, ?> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING
@Incoming SubscriberBuilder<I, ?> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING

Method signatures to process data

Signature Invocation time Supported Acknowledgement Strategies Metadata Propagation
@Outgoing @Incoming Message<O> method(Message<I> msg) Called for every incoming message (sequentially) MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming O method(I payload) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming CompletionStage<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called for every incoming message (sequentially) MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming CompletionStage<O> method(I payload) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming Uni<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called for every incoming message (sequentially) MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Uni<O> method(I payload) Called for every incoming payload (sequentially) POST_PROCESSING, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming Processor<Message<I>, Message<O>> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Processor<I, O> method() Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Processor<Message<I>, Message<O>> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Processor<I, O> method() Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming ProcessorBuilder<Message<I>, Message<O>> method() Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming ProcessorBuilder<I, O> method() Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming Publisher<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Publisher<O> method(I payload) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming Multi<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Multi<O> method(I payload) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Publisher<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Publisher<O> method(I payload) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE automatic
@Outgoing @Incoming PublisherBuilder<Message<O>> method(Message<I> msg) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, PRE_PROCESSING, NONE manual
@Outgoing @Incoming PublisherBuilder<O> method(I payload) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE automatic

Method signatures to manipulate streams

Signature Invocation time Supported Acknowledgement Strategies Metadata Propagation
@Outgoing @Incoming Publisher<Message<O>> method(Publisher<Message<I>> pub) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Publisher<O> method(Publisher<I> pub) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming Multi<Message<O>> method(Multi<Message<I>> pub) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Multi<O> method(Multi<I> pub) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Publisher<Message<O>> method(Flow.Publisher<Message<I>> pub) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming Flow.Publisher<O> method(Flow.Publisher<I> pub) Called once at assembly time PRE_PROCESSING, NONE not supported
@Outgoing @Incoming PublisherBuilder<Message<O>> method(PublisherBuilder<Message<I>> pub) Called once at assembly time MANUAL, NONE, PRE_PROCESSING manual
@Outgoing @Incoming PublisherBuilder<O> method(PublisherBuilder<I> pub) Called once at assembly time NONE, PRE_PROCESSING not supported


When processing Message, it is often required to chain the incoming Message to enable post-processing acknowledgement and metadata propagation. Use the with (like withPayload) methods from the incoming message, so it copies the metadata and ack/nack methods. It returns a new Message with the right content.