The processor pattern using Camel
Using the processor pattern, you can consume on a channel using a Camel
component, and produce on a channel using another Camel component. In
that case, the headers present in the incoming metadata will be
forwarded in the outgoing metadata.
Let’s imagine you want to read messages from a Nats subject, process it
and produce a message on a Kafka topic.
| mp.messaging.incoming.mynatssubject.connector=smallrye-camel # <1>
mp.messaging.incoming.mynatssubject.endpoint-uri=nats:mynatssubject # <2>
mp.messaging.outgoing.mykafkatopic.connector=smallrye-camel # <3>
mp.messaging.outgoing.mykafkatopic.endpoint-uri=kafka:mykafkatopic# <4>
camel.component.nats.servers= # <5>
camel.component.kafka.brokers= # <6>
1. Sets the connector for the mynatssubject
2. Configures the endpoint-uri
for nats subject
3. Sets the connector for the mykafkatopic
4. Configures the endpoint-uri
for the kafka topic
5. Sets the URL of the nats server to use
6. Sets the URL of a kafka broker to use
| package camel.processor;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Outgoing;
public class CamelProcessor {
public byte[] process(byte[] message) {
// do some logic
return message;