Class KafkaConnectorOutgoingConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • KafkaConnectorOutgoingConfiguration

        public KafkaConnectorOutgoingConfiguration​(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
        Creates a new KafkaConnectorOutgoingConfiguration.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeySerializer

        public String getKeySerializer()
        Gets the key.serializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: key.serializer Description: The serializer classname used to serialize the record's key Default Value: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
        the key.serializer
      • getValueSerializer

        public String getValueSerializer()
        Gets the value.serializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: value.serializer Description: The serializer classname used to serialize the payload Mandatory: yes
        the value.serializer
      • getAcks

        public String getAcks()
        Gets the acks value from the configuration. Attribute Name: acks Description: The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent. Accepted values are: 0, 1, all Default Value: 1
        the acks
      • getBufferMemory

        public Long getBufferMemory()
        Gets the buffer.memory value from the configuration. Attribute Name: buffer.memory Description: The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. Default Value: 33554432
        the buffer.memory
      • getRetries

        public Long getRetries()
        Gets the retries value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retries Description: If set to a positive number, the connector will try to resend any record that was not delivered successfully (with a potentially transient error) until the number of retries is reached. If set to 0, retries are disabled. If not set, the connector tries to resend any record that failed to be delivered (because of a potentially transient error) during an amount of time configured by ``. Default Value: 2147483647
        the retries
      • getKey

        public Optional<String> getKey()
        Gets the key value from the configuration. Attribute Name: key Description: A key to used when writing the record
        the key
      • getPartition

        public Integer getPartition()
        Gets the partition value from the configuration. Attribute Name: partition Description: The target partition id. -1 to let the client determine the partition Default Value: -1
        the partition
      • getWaitForWriteCompletion

        public Boolean getWaitForWriteCompletion()
        Gets the waitForWriteCompletion value from the configuration. Attribute Name: waitForWriteCompletion Description: Whether the client waits for Kafka to acknowledge the written record before acknowledging the message Default Value: true
        the waitForWriteCompletion
      • getMaxInflightMessages

        public Long getMaxInflightMessages()
        Gets the max-inflight-messages value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-inflight-messages Description: The maximum number of messages to be written to Kafka concurrently. It limits the number of messages waiting to be written and acknowledged by the broker. You can set this attribute to `0` remove the limit Default Value: 1024
        the max-inflight-messages
      • getCloudEventsSource

        public Optional<String> getCloudEventsSource()
        Gets the cloud-events-source value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-source Description: Configure the default `source` attribute of the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `source` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-source
        the cloud-events-source
      • getCloudEventsType

        public Optional<String> getCloudEventsType()
        Gets the cloud-events-type value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-type Description: Configure the default `type` attribute of the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `type` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-type
        the cloud-events-type
      • getCloudEventsSubject

        public Optional<String> getCloudEventsSubject()
        Gets the cloud-events-subject value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-subject Description: Configure the default `subject` attribute of the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `subject` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-subject
        the cloud-events-subject
      • getCloudEventsDataContentType

        public Optional<String> getCloudEventsDataContentType()
        Gets the cloud-events-data-content-type value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-data-content-type Description: Configure the default `datacontenttype` attribute of the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `datacontenttype` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-data-content-type
        the cloud-events-data-content-type
      • getCloudEventsDataSchema

        public Optional<String> getCloudEventsDataSchema()
        Gets the cloud-events-data-schema value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-data-schema Description: Configure the default `dataschema` attribute of the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `dataschema` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-data-schema
        the cloud-events-data-schema
      • getCloudEventsInsertTimestamp

        public Boolean getCloudEventsInsertTimestamp()
        Gets the cloud-events-insert-timestamp value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-insert-timestamp Description: Whether or not the connector should insert automatically the `time` attribute` into the outgoing Cloud Event. Requires `cloud-events` to be set to `true`. This value is used if the message does not configure the `time` attribute itself MicroProfile Config Alias: cloud-events-default-timestamp Default Value: true
        the cloud-events-insert-timestamp
      • getCloudEventsMode

        public String getCloudEventsMode()
        Gets the cloud-events-mode value from the configuration. Attribute Name: cloud-events-mode Description: The Cloud Event mode (`structured` or `binary` (default)). Indicates how are written the cloud events in the outgoing record Default Value: binary
        the cloud-events-mode
      • getCloseTimeout

        public Integer getCloseTimeout()
        Gets the close-timeout value from the configuration. Attribute Name: close-timeout Description: The amount of milliseconds waiting for a graceful shutdown of the Kafka producer Default Value: 10000
        the close-timeout
      • getMerge

        public Boolean getMerge()
        Gets the merge value from the configuration. Attribute Name: merge Description: Whether the connector should allow multiple upstreams Default Value: false
        the merge
      • getPropagateRecordKey

        public Boolean getPropagateRecordKey()
        Gets the propagate-record-key value from the configuration. Attribute Name: propagate-record-key Description: Propagate incoming record key to the outgoing record Default Value: false
        the propagate-record-key