Interface KafkaClientService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    @Experimental("experimental api")
    public interface KafkaClientService
    • Method Detail

      • getConsumer

        <K,​V> KafkaConsumer<K,​V> getConsumer​(String channel)
        Gets the managed Kafka Consumer for the given channel. This method returns the reactive consumer.

        Be aware that most actions requires to be run on the Kafka polling thread. You can schedule actions using:

        getConsumer(channel).runOnPollingThread(c -> { ... })

        You can retrieve the low-level client using the KafkaConsumer.unwrap() method.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the key
        V - the type of the value
        channel - the channel, must not be null
        the consumer, null if not found
      • getProducer

        <K,​V> KafkaProducer<K,​V> getProducer​(String channel)
        Gets the managed Kafka Producer for the given channel. This method returns the reactive producer.

        Be aware that most actions require to be run on the Kafka sending thread. You can schedule actions using:

        getProducer(channel).runOnSendingThread(c -> { ... })

        You can retrieve the low-level client using the KafkaProducer.unwrap() method.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of the key
        V - the type of the value
        channel - the channel, must not be null
        the producer, null if not found