Class MqttConnectorCommonConfiguration

    • Field Detail

      • config

        protected final org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config
    • Constructor Detail

      • MqttConnectorCommonConfiguration

        public MqttConnectorCommonConfiguration​(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
        Creates a new MqttConnectorCommonConfiguration.
    • Method Detail

      • config

        public org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config()
        the connector configuration
      • getFromAlias

        protected <T> Optional<T> getFromAlias​(String alias,
                                               Class<T> type)
        Retrieves the value stored for the given alias.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the targeted type
        alias - the attribute alias, must not be null or blank
        type - the targeted type
        the configuration value for the given alias, empty if not set
      • getFromAliasWithDefaultValue

        protected <T> T getFromAliasWithDefaultValue​(String alias,
                                                     Class<T> type,
                                                     T defaultValue)
        Retrieves the value stored for the given alias. Returns the default value if not present.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the targeted type
        alias - the attribute alias, must not be null or blank
        type - the targeted type
        defaultValue - the default value
        the configuration value for the given alias, empty if not set
      • getChannel

        public String getChannel()
        the channel name
      • getClientId

        public Optional<String> getClientId()
        Gets the client-id value from the configuration. Attribute Name: client-id Description: Set the client identifier
        the client-id
      • getAutoGeneratedClientId

        public Boolean getAutoGeneratedClientId()
        Gets the auto-generated-client-id value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto-generated-client-id Description: Set if the MQTT client must generate clientId automatically Default Value: true
        the auto-generated-client-id
      • getAutoKeepAlive

        public Boolean getAutoKeepAlive()
        Gets the auto-keep-alive value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto-keep-alive Description: Set if the MQTT client must handle `PINGREQ` automatically Default Value: true
        the auto-keep-alive
      • getSsl

        public Boolean getSsl()
        Gets the ssl value from the configuration. Attribute Name: ssl Description: Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled Default Value: false
        the ssl
      • getKeepAliveSeconds

        public Integer getKeepAliveSeconds()
        Gets the keep-alive-seconds value from the configuration. Attribute Name: keep-alive-seconds Description: Set the keep alive timeout in seconds Default Value: 30
        the keep-alive-seconds
      • getMaxInflightQueue

        public Integer getMaxInflightQueue()
        Gets the max-inflight-queue value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-inflight-queue Description: Set max count of unacknowledged messages Default Value: 10
        the max-inflight-queue
      • getAutoCleanSession

        public Boolean getAutoCleanSession()
        Gets the auto-clean-session value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto-clean-session Description: Set to start with a clean session (`true` by default) Default Value: true
        the auto-clean-session
      • getWillFlag

        public Boolean getWillFlag()
        Gets the will-flag value from the configuration. Attribute Name: will-flag Description: Set if will information are provided on connection Default Value: false
        the will-flag
      • getWillRetain

        public Boolean getWillRetain()
        Gets the will-retain value from the configuration. Attribute Name: will-retain Description: Set if the will message must be retained Default Value: false
        the will-retain
      • getWillQos

        public Integer getWillQos()
        Gets the will-qos value from the configuration. Attribute Name: will-qos Description: Set the QoS level for the will message Default Value: 0
        the will-qos
      • getMaxMessageSize

        public Integer getMaxMessageSize()
        Gets the max-message-size value from the configuration. Attribute Name: max-message-size Description: Set max MQTT message size. -1 means no limit Default Value: -1
        the max-message-size
      • getReconnectAttempts

        public Integer getReconnectAttempts()
        Gets the reconnect-attempts value from the configuration. Attribute Name: reconnect-attempts Description: Set the max reconnect attempts Default Value: 5
        the reconnect-attempts
      • getReconnectIntervalSeconds

        public Integer getReconnectIntervalSeconds()
        Gets the reconnect-interval-seconds value from the configuration. Attribute Name: reconnect-interval-seconds Description: Set the reconnect interval in seconds Default Value: 1
        the reconnect-interval-seconds
      • getUsername

        public Optional<String> getUsername()
        Gets the username value from the configuration. Attribute Name: username Description: Set the username to connect to the server
        the username
      • getPassword

        public Optional<String> getPassword()
        Gets the password value from the configuration. Attribute Name: password Description: Set the password to connect to the server
        the password
      • getConnectTimeoutSeconds

        public Integer getConnectTimeoutSeconds()
        Gets the connect-timeout-seconds value from the configuration. Attribute Name: connect-timeout-seconds Description: Set the connect timeout (in seconds) Default Value: 60
        the connect-timeout-seconds
      • getTrustAll

        public Boolean getTrustAll()
        Gets the trust-all value from the configuration. Attribute Name: trust-all Description: Set whether all server certificates should be trusted Default Value: false
        the trust-all
      • getHost

        public String getHost()
        Gets the host value from the configuration. Attribute Name: host Description: Set the MQTT server host name/IP Mandatory: yes
        the host
      • getPort

        public Optional<Integer> getPort()
        Gets the port value from the configuration. Attribute Name: port Description: Set the MQTT server port. Default to 8883 if ssl is enabled, or 1883 without ssl
        the port
      • getServerName

        public Optional<String> getServerName()
        Gets the server-name value from the configuration. Attribute Name: server-name Description: Set the SNI server name
        the server-name
      • getTopic

        public Optional<String> getTopic()
        Gets the topic value from the configuration. Attribute Name: topic Description: Set the MQTT topic. If not set, the channel name is used
        the topic
      • getQos

        public Integer getQos()
        Gets the qos value from the configuration. Attribute Name: qos Description: Set the QoS level when subscribing to the topic or when sending a message Default Value: 0
        the qos
      • validate

        public void validate()