Class KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration

        public KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration​(org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config config)
        Creates a new KafkaConnectorIncomingConfiguration.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyDeserializer

        public String getKeyDeserializer()
        Gets the key.deserializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: key.deserializer Description: The deserializer classname used to deserialize the record's key Default Value: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
        the key.deserializer
      • getValueDeserializer

        public String getValueDeserializer()
        Gets the value.deserializer value from the configuration. Attribute Name: value.deserializer Description: The deserializer classname used to deserialize the record's value Mandatory: yes
        the value.deserializer
      • getFetchMinBytes

        public Integer getFetchMinBytes()
        Gets the fetch.min.bytes value from the configuration. Attribute Name: fetch.min.bytes Description: The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. The default setting of 1 byte means that fetch requests are answered as soon as a single byte of data is available or the fetch request times out waiting for data to arrive. Default Value: 1
        the fetch.min.bytes
      • getGroupId

        public Optional<String> getGroupId()
        Gets the value from the configuration. Attribute Name: Description: A unique string that identifies the consumer group the application belongs to. If not set, a unique, generated id is used
      • getRetry

        public Boolean getRetry()
        Gets the retry value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry Description: Whether or not the connection to the broker is re-attempted in case of failure Default Value: true
        the retry
      • getRetryAttempts

        public Integer getRetryAttempts()
        Gets the retry-attempts value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry-attempts Description: The maximum number of reconnection before failing. -1 means infinite retry Default Value: -1
        the retry-attempts
      • getRetryMaxWait

        public Integer getRetryMaxWait()
        Gets the retry-max-wait value from the configuration. Attribute Name: retry-max-wait Description: The max delay (in seconds) between 2 reconnects Default Value: 30
        the retry-max-wait
      • getBroadcast

        public Boolean getBroadcast()
        Gets the broadcast value from the configuration. Attribute Name: broadcast Description: Whether the Kafka records should be dispatched to multiple consumer Default Value: false
        the broadcast
      • getAutoOffsetReset

        public String getAutoOffsetReset()
        Gets the auto.offset.reset value from the configuration. Attribute Name: auto.offset.reset Description: What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka.Accepted values are earliest, latest and none Default Value: latest
        the auto.offset.reset