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Uni and Multi#

Mutiny defines two reactive types:

  • Multi - represents streams of 0..* items (potentially unbounded)
  • Uni - represents streams receiving either an item or a failure


The Mutiny name comes from the contraction of Multi and Uni names

Both Uni and Multi are asynchronous types. They receive and fire events at any time.

You may wonder why we make the distinction between Uni and Multi. Conceptually, a Uni is a Multi, right?

In practice, you don’t use Unis and Multis the same way. The use cases and operations are different.

  • Uni does not need the complete ceremony presented above as the request does not make sense.
  • The subscribe event expresses the interest and triggers the computation, no need for an additional request.
  • Uni can handle items having a null value (and has specific methods to handle this case).
  • Multi does not allow it (because the Reactive Streams specification forbids it).
  • Having a Uni implementing Publisher would be a bit like having Optional implementing Iterable.

In other words, Uni:

  • can receive at most 1 item event, or a failure event
  • cannot receive a completion event (null in the case of 0 items)
  • cannot receive a request event

The following snippet shows how you can use Uni and Multi:

Multi.createFrom().items("a", "b", "c")
    item -> System.out.println("Received: " + item),
    failure -> System.out.println("Failed with " + failure)

    item -> System.out.println("Received: " + item),
    failure -> System.out.println("Failed with " + failure)