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From reactive to imperative#

There are use cases where you need the items in an imperative manner instead of asynchronous. Typically, when you serve an HTTP request from a worker thread, you can block.

Mutiny provides the ability to block until you get the items.

Awaiting on Uni’s item#

When dealing with a Uni, you can block and await the item using:

T t = uni.await().indefinitely();

This method blocks the caller thread until the observed uni emits the item. Note that the returned item can be null if the uni emits null. If the uni fails, it throws the exception, wrapped in the CompletionException for checked exception.

Blocking forever may not be a great idea. You can use uni.await().atMost(Duration) to pass a deadline. When the deadline is reached, a TimeoutException is thrown:

T t = uni.await().atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(1));

Iterating over Multi’s items#

When dealing with a Multi, you may want to iterate over the items using a simple “foreach.” You can achieve this using multi.subscribe().asIterable():

Iterable<T> iterable = multi.subscribe().asIterable();
for (T item : iterable) {

The returned iterable is blocking. It waits for the next items, and during that time, blocks the caller thread.

The iteration ends once the last item is consumed. If the multi emits a failure, an exception is thrown.

Similar to asIterable(), the asStream method lets you retrieve a

Stream<T> stream = multi.subscribe().asStream();