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AdaptersToFlow - Interface in mutiny.zero.flow.adapters
Adapters from Reactive Streams types to Flow types.
AdaptersToReactiveStreams - Interface in mutiny.zero.flow.adapters
Adapters from Flow types to Reactive Streams types.
applyExceptionally(CompletionStage<T>, Function<Throwable, Throwable>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.AsyncHelpers
Applies a function on failure to produce another failure.
AsyncHelpers - Interface in mutiny.zero


BackpressureStrategy - Enum in mutiny.zero
Define a Tube back-pressure management strategy.
BUFFER - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Buffer overflowing items until more items are being requested.


cancelled() - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Check if the subscription has been cancelled.
collectToList(Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.PublisherHelpers
Collect all items as a list.
complete() - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Signal completion and that no more items will be sent.
composeExceptionally(CompletionStage<T>, Function<Throwable, CompletionStage<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.AsyncHelpers
Composes the given completion stage on failure.
create(BackpressureStrategy, int, Consumer<Tube<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
create(TubeConfiguration, Consumer<Tube<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a new Publisher with the general-purpose Tube API.


DROP - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Drop items in case of a lack of outstanding requests.


empty() - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create an empty Publisher that completes upon subscription without ever sending any item.
ERROR - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Signal a terminal IllegalStateException as soon as an item is being sent while there is no outstanding request.


fail(Throwable) - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Terminally signal an error.
failedFuture(Throwable) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.AsyncHelpers
Creates a failed completion stage.
fromCompletionStage(Supplier<CompletionStage<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from a CompletionStage.
fromFailure(Throwable) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from a known failure.
fromGenerator(Supplier<S>, Function<S, Iterator<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from a generator over some state.
fromItems(T...) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from existing items.
fromIterable(Iterable<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from an iterable object.
fromStream(Supplier<Stream<T>>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a Publisher from a Stream.


getBackpressureStrategy() - Method in class mutiny.zero.TubeConfiguration
Get the back-pressure strategy.
getBufferSize() - Method in class mutiny.zero.TubeConfiguration
Get the buffer size.


IGNORE - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Ignore back-pressure and still send items to the Tube consumer.


LATEST - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Buffer overflowing items in a bounded buffer, but only keep the last values.


map(Publisher<I>, Function<I, O>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.PublisherHelpers
Simple map implementation.
mutiny.zero - module mutiny.zero
mutiny.zero - package mutiny.zero
Mutiny Zero is minimal API for creating reactive streams compliant Publisher objects.
mutiny.zero.flow.adapters - module mutiny.zero.flow.adapters
mutiny.zero.flow.adapters - package mutiny.zero.flow.adapters
A set of adapters from Reactive Streams to/from Flow.


outstandingRequests() - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Check the number of outstanding requests.


processor(Flow.Processor<T, R>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToReactiveStreams
Convert a Flow.Processor to a Processor.
processor(Processor<T, R>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToFlow
Convert a Processor to a Flow.Processor.
publisher(Flow.Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToReactiveStreams
Convert a Flow.Publisher to a Publisher.
publisher(Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToFlow
Convert a Publisher to a Flow.Publisher.
PublisherHelpers - Interface in mutiny.zero


send(T) - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Send an item.
subscriber(Flow.Subscriber<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToReactiveStreams
Convert a Flow.Subscriber to a Subscriber.
subscriber(Subscriber<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToFlow
Convert a Subscriber to a Flow.Subscriber.
subscription(Flow.Subscription) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToReactiveStreams
Convert a Flow.Subscription to a Subscription.
subscription(Subscription) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.flow.adapters.AdaptersToFlow
Convert a Subscription to a Flow.Subscription.


toCompletionStage(Publisher<T>) - Static method in interface mutiny.zero.ZeroPublisher
Create a CompletionStage from a Publisher.
Tube<T> - Interface in mutiny.zero
A Tube is a general-purpose abstraction for creating Publisher.
TubeConfiguration - Class in mutiny.zero
Configuration object for creating Tube through ZeroPublisher.create(TubeConfiguration, Consumer).
TubeConfiguration() - Constructor for class mutiny.zero.TubeConfiguration


UNBOUNDED_BUFFER - mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Buffer overflowing items until more items are being requested.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum mutiny.zero.BackpressureStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


whenCancelled(Runnable) - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Define an action when the subscription is cancelled.
whenRequested(LongConsumer) - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Define an action when items are being requested.
whenTerminates(Runnable) - Method in interface mutiny.zero.Tube
Define an action on termination (completion, error or cancellation), typically for cleanup purposes.
withBackpressureStrategy(BackpressureStrategy) - Method in class mutiny.zero.TubeConfiguration
Specify the back-pressure strategy, cannot be null.
withBufferSize(int) - Method in class mutiny.zero.TubeConfiguration
Specify the buffer size must be strictly positive when backpressureStrategy is one of BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER and BackpressureStrategy.LATEST.


ZeroPublisher - Interface in mutiny.zero
Factory methods to simplify the creation of reactive streams compliant Publisher.
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