All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractVerticle Acknowledgement Structure passed to acknowledgement handler called when aACK
frame is received.AmazonCognitoAuth Simplified factory to create an for Amazon Cognito.AmqpClient AMQP Client entry point.AmqpConnection Once connected to the broker or router, you get a connection.AmqpMessage Represents an AMQP message.AmqpMessageBuilder Builder to create a newAmqpMessage
.AmqpReceiver Interface used to consume AMQP message as a stream of message.AmqpSender AMQP Sender interface used to send messages.AndAuthorization Allows to perform a logical 'and' between several authorizationsAPIKeyHandler An authentication handler that provides API Key support.ApolloWSConnectionInitEvent ApolloWSHandler A handler for GraphQL requests sent over Apollo'ssubscriptions-transport-ws
transport.ApolloWSMessage A message received over Apollo'ssubscriptions-transport-ws
transport.ArrayParserFactory This interface is used to create able to parse serialized array structures.AsyncFile Represents a file on the file-system which can be read from, or written to asynchronously.AsyncMap<K,V> An asynchronous map.AsyncResultUni<T> AuthenticationHandler Base interface for auth handlers.AuthenticationProvider User-facing interface for authenticating users.Authorization Interface representing any kind of authorization such as: Role based authorization Permission based authorization Logical authorization (AND, OR, NOT) Time based authorization (ie: allow access the last 5 days of the month, from 8am till 10am, etc.) Context based authorization (ie: allow access if the ip address is '') Custom based authorization (ie: based on a script or hard-coded code specific to an application) etc.AuthorizationContext The AuthorizationContext contains properties that can be used to match authorizations.AuthorizationHandler Base interface for authorization handlers that provide authorization support.AuthorizationProvider The role of an AuthorizationProvider is to return a set of Authorization.Authorizations AuthProvider User-facing interface for authenticating users.AzureADAuth Simplified factory to create an for Azure AD.BaseBridgeEvent Represents an event that occurs on the event bus bridge.BasicAuthHandler An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.Bodies In this interface you can find all availableBodyProcessorFactory
to use inValidationHandlerBuilder
.BodyCodec<T> A codec for encoding and decoding HTTP bodies.BodyHandler A handler which gathers the entire request body and sets it on the .BodyProcessorFactory This interface is used to build body processors.BoxAuth Simplified factory to create an for Represents an event that occurs on the event bus bridge.BridgeEvent Represents an event that occurs on the event bus bridge.Buffer Most data is shuffled around inside Vert.x using buffers.CachingWebClient An asynchronous cache aware HTTP / HTTP/2 client calledCachingWebClient
.CassandraClient Eclipse Vert.x Cassandra client.CassandraRowStream A for consumption.ChainAuth Chain several authentication providers as if they were one.ChainAuthHandler An auth handler that chains to a sequence of handlers.CircuitBreaker An implementation of the circuit breaker pattern for Vert.xCLI Interface defining a command-line interface (in other words a command such as 'run', 'ls'...).CliToken A parsed token in the command line interface.CloudFoundryAuth Simplified factory to create an for CloudFoundry UAA.ClusteredSessionStore A session store which stores sessions in a distributed map so they are available across the cluster.ColumnDescriptor Command A Vert.x Shell command, it can be created from any language using theCommandBuilder.command(java.lang.String)
or from a Java class
Command Auto generated API Commands to interact with REDIS.CommandBuilder A build for Vert.x Shell command.CommandLine The parser transforms a CLI (a model) into anCommandLine
.CommandProcess The command process provides interaction with the process of the command provided by Vert.x Shell.CommandRegistry A registry that contains the commands known by a shell.CommandResolver A resolver for commands, so the shell can discover commands.Completion The completion objectConfigRetriever Defines a configuration retriever that read configuration from and tracks changes periodically.ConnectionInitEvent ConsulClient A Vert.x service used to interact with Consul.Context The execution context of aHandler
execution.Cookie Represents an HTTP Cookie.CorsHandler A handler which implements server side[CORS] support for Vert.x-Web.Counter An asynchronous counter that can be used to across the cluster to maintain a consistent count.CSPHandler Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.CSRFHandler This handler adds a CSRF token to requests which mutate state.Cursor A cursor that reads progressively rows from the database, it is useful for reading very large result sets.DatabaseMetadata Contains static metadata about the backend database serverDatagramPacket A received datagram packet (UDP) which contains the data and information about the sender of the data itself.DatagramSocket A datagram socket can be used to sendDatagramPacket
's to remote datagram servers and receiveDatagramPacket
s .DB2Connection A connection to DB2 server.DB2Pool A pool of DB2 connections.DeliveryContext<T> Encapsulates a message being delivered by Vert.x as well as providing control over the message delivery.Destination Represents a STOMP destination.DestinationFactory Interface implemented to customize the destination creation.DigestAuthHandler An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.DnsClient Provides a way to asynchronously lookup information from DNS servers.DropboxAuth Simplified factory to create an for Dropbox.ErrorConverter Converts aResponsePredicateResult
to aThrowable
describing the error.ErrorHandler A pretty error handler for rendering error pages.EventBus A Vert.x event-bus is a light-weight distributed messaging system which allows different parts of your application, or different applications and services to communicate with each in a loosely coupled way.EventBusService for event bus services (service proxies).ExecutionInputBuilderWithContext<C> Holds a with a contextual object.FacebookAuth Simplified factory to create an for Facebook.FaviconHandler A handler that serves favicons.FileProps Represents properties of a file on the file system.FileSystem Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files on the file system.FileSystemProps Represents properties of the file system.FileUpload Represents a file-upload from an HTTP multipart form submission.FormDataPart A form data part of aMultipartForm
.FormLoginHandler Handler that handles login from a form on a custom login page.FoursquareAuth Simplified factory to create an for Foursquare.Frames Utility methods to build commonFrame
s.FreeMarkerTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the FreeMarker library.GithubAuth Simplified factory to create an for Github.GitLabAuth Simplified factory to create an for Simplified factory to create anOAuth2Auth
for Google.GraphiQLHandler ARoute
handler for GraphiQL resources.GraphQLHandler ARoute
handler for GraphQL requests.GraphQLWSHandler A handler for the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol.HandlebarsTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the Handlebars library.HashingAlgorithm Hashing Algorithm.HashingStrategy Hashing Strategy manager.HashStrategy Determines how the hashing is computed in the implementation You can implement this to provide a different hashing strategy to the default.HealthCheckHandler A Vert.x Web handler on which you register health check procedure.HealthChecks NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.HerokuAuth Simplified factory to create an for Heroku.HotpAuth An extension of AuthProvider which uses the one time passwords based on counter to perform authentication.HSTSHandler HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) RFC6797.HtdigestAuth An extension of AuthProvider which is using .htdigest file as storeHtpasswdAuth An extension of AuthProvider which is using htpasswd file as storeHttpClient An asynchronous HTTP client.HttpClientRequest Represents a client-side HTTP request.HttpClientResponse Represents a client-side HTTP response.HttpConnection Represents an HTTP connection.HttpEndpoint for HTTP endpoint (REST api).HttpFrame An HTTP/2 frame.HttpHeaders Contains a bunch of useful HTTP headers stuff: methods for creating instances often used Header names method to create optimizedCharSequence
which can be used as header name and valueHttpRequest<T> A client-side HTTP request.HttpResponse<T> An HTTP response.HttpServer An HTTP and WebSockets server.HttpServerFileUpload Represents an file upload from an HTML FORM.HttpServerRequest Represents a server-side HTTP request.HttpServerResponse Represents a server-side HTTP response.HystrixMetricHandler A Vert.x web handler to expose the circuit breaker to the Hystrix dasbboard.IBMCloudAuth Simplified factory to create an for IBM Cloud.InstagramAuth Simplified factory to create an for Instagram.JadeTemplateEngine A template engine that uses Jade.JDBCAuth Factory interface for creatingAuthenticationProvider
instances that use the Vert.x JDBC client.JDBCAuthentication Factory interface for creatingAuthenticationProvider
instances that use the Vert.x JDBC client.JDBCAuthorization Factory interface for creating instances that use the Vert.x JDBC client.JDBCClient An asynchronous client interface for interacting with a JDBC compliant databaseJDBCDataSource NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.JDBCHashStrategy Determines how the hashing is computed in the implementation You can implement this to provide a different hashing strategy to the default.JDBCPool JDBCPool is the interface that allows using the Sql Client API with plain JDBC.JDBCUserUtil Utility to create users/roles/permissions.Job A job executed in aJobController
, grouping one or several process.JobController The job controller.JsonEvent A JSON event emited by theJsonParser
.JsonParser A parser class which allows to incrementally parse json elements and emit json parse events instead of parsing a json element fully.JsonPointer Implementation of RFC6901 Json Pointers.JsonPointerIterator The JsonPointerIterator is used by the read/write algorithms of theJsonPointer
to read/write the querying data structure
Every method takes the currentValue as parameter, representing the actual value held by the query algorithm.
Implementations of this interface should be stateless, so they can be reused
You can implement this interface to query the structure you want using json pointersJWTAuth Factory interface for creating JWT basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.JWTAuthHandler An auth handler that provides JWT Authentication support.JWTAuthorization Implementation of the JWT authorization provider.KafkaAdminClient Vert.x Kafka Admin client implementationKafkaConsumer<K,V> Vert.x Kafka consumer.KafkaConsumerRecord<K,V> Vert.x Kafka consumer recordKafkaConsumerRecords<K,V> Vert.x Kafka consumer recordsKafkaHeader Vert.x Kafka producer record header.KafkaProducer<K,V> Vert.x Kafka producer.KafkaProducerRecord<K,V> Vert.x Kafka producer record.KeycloakAuth Simplified factory to create an for Keycloak.KeycloakAuthorization Implementation of the Keycloak Authorization Provider.LanguageHeader A parsed language header.LdapAuthentication Factory interface for creating a LDAPAuthenticationProvider
.LinkedInAuth Simplified factory to create an for LinkedIn.LiveAuth Simplified factory to create an for Services.LocalMap<K,V> Local maps can be used to share data safely in a single Vert.x instance.LocalSessionStore A session store which is only available on a single node.Lock An asynchronous exclusive lock which can be obtained from any node in the cluster.LoggerFormatter Implement to format the output of theLoggerHandler
LoggerHandler A handler which logs request information to the Vert.x logger.MailAttachment Represent a mail attachment that can be used in a MailMessage.MailchimpAuth Simplified factory to create an for Mailchimp.MailClient SMTP mail client for Vert.xMeasured NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.Message<T> Represents a message that is received from the event bus in a handler.Message A GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol message.MessageConsumer<T> An event bus consumer object representing a stream of message to anEventBus
address that can be read from.MessageProducer<T> Represents a stream of message that can be written to.MessageSource Service type for data producer.MetaDataService Factory interface for creating FIDO2 MetaDataService.MethodOverrideHandler NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.MetricsService The metrics service mainly allows to return a snapshot of measured objects.
This service is derived and adapted fromMetricsService
in the vertx-dropwizard-metrics module.MicroProfileAuthorization Implementation of the Microprofile MP-JWT 1.1 RBAC based on the access token groups key.MIMEHeader MongoAuth An extension of AuthProvider which is using as storeMongoAuthentication An extension of AuthProvider which is using as storeMongoAuthorization An extension of AuthProvider which is using as storeMongoClient A Vert.x service used to interact with MongoDB server instances.MongoDataSource NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.MongoGridFsClient MongoUserUtil Utility to create users/roles/permissions.MqttClient An MQTT clientMqttConnAckMessage Represents an MQTT CONNACK messageMqttDisconnectMessage Represents an MQTT CONNACK messageMqttEndpoint Represents an MQTT endpoint for point-to-point communication with the remote MQTT clientMqttMessage Represent the interface for each MQTT messageMqttPubAckMessage Represents an MQTT PUBACK messageMqttPubCompMessage Represents an MQTT PUBCOMP messageMqttPublishMessage Represents an MQTT PUBLISH messageMqttPubRecMessage Represents an MQTT PUBREC messageMqttPubRelMessage Represents an MQTT PUBREL messageMqttServer An MQTT serverMqttSubAckMessage Represents an MQTT SUBACK messageMqttSubscribeMessage Represents an MQTT SUBSCRIBE messageMqttTopicSubscription Represents a subscription to a topicMqttUnsubscribeMessage Represents an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE messageMSSQLConnection A connection to Microsoft SQL Server.MSSQLPool A ofSQL Server connections
.MultiHelper MultiMap This class represents a MultiMap of String keys to a List of String values.MultipartForm A multipart form.MultiReadStream<T,U> MultiTenantHandler A handler which selectively executes another handler if a precondition is met.MutinyGen Associate an Mutiny generated class with its original type,used for mapping the generated classes to their original type.MutinyHelper MVELTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the Handlebars library.MxRecord Represent a Mail-Exchange-Record (MX) which was resolved for a domain.MySQLClient An interface to define MySQL specific constants or behaviors.MySQLConnection An interface which represents a connection to MySQL server.MySQLPool A ofMySQL Connections
.NetClient A TCP client.NetServer Represents a TCP serverNetSocket Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP connection on either the client or the server side.NotAuthorization Allows to perform a logical 'not' of the specified authorizationOAuth2Auth Factory interface for creating OAuth2 basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.OAuth2AuthHandler An auth handler that provides OAuth2 Authentication support.OAuth2WebClient An asynchronous OAuth2/OIDC aware HTTP / HTTP/2 client calledWebClientOAuth2
.ObjectParserFactory This interface is used to create able to parse serialized object structures.OpenAPIHolder OpenIDConnectAuth Simplified factory to create anOAuth2Auth
for OpenID Connect.Operation Interface representing an OperationOracleClient An interface to define Oracle specific constants or behaviors.OraclePool Represents a pool of connection to interact with an Oracle database.OrAuthorization Allows to perform a logical 'or' between several authorizationsOtpAuthHandler An auth handler that provides One Time Password (Multi-Factor) Authentication support.OtpKeyGenerator Otp key generator.ParameterProcessorFactory This interface is used to build parameter processors supported on every .Parameters In this interface you can find all availableParameterProcessorFactory
to use inValidationHandlerBuilder
.ParsedHeaderValue ParsedHeaderValues A container with the request's headers that are meaningful enough to be parsed Contains: Accept -> MIME header, parameters and sortable Accept-Charset -> Parameters and sortable Accept-Encoding -> Parameters and sortable Accept-Language -> Parameters and sortable Content-Type -> MIME header and parametersParsers In this interface you can find all availableArrayParserFactory
PebbleTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the Pebble library.PermissionBasedAuthorization Represents a permission Note that the permission can optionally be assigned to a specific resourcePgChannel A channel to Postgres that tracks the subscription to a given Postgres channel using theLISTEN/UNLISTEN
commands.PgConnection A connection to Postgres.PgPool A ofPostgreSQL connections
.PgSubscriber A class for managing subscriptions usingLISTEN/UNLISTEN
to Postgres channels.Pipe<T> Pipe data from aReadStream
to aWriteStream
and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.Pool A connection pool which reuses a number of SQL connections.PreparedQuery<T> A query for a prepared statement allowing parameterized execution of the query, this query will use a prepared statement.PreparedStatement A prepared statement, the statement is pre-compiled and it's more efficient to execute the statement for multiple times.Process A process managed by the shell.PrometheusScrapingHandler A Vert.x WebRoute
handler for Prometheus metrics scraping.Promise<T> Represents the writable side of an action that may, or may not, have occurred yet.PropertyFileAuthentication Factory interface for creating property file basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.PropertyFileAuthorization Factory interface for creating property file basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.PropertyKind<T> The kind of the property, this can be used to fetch some specific property of theexecution result
.Pty A pseudo terminal used for controlling aTty
.Pump Pumps data from aReadStream
to aWriteStream
and performs flow control where necessary to prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.Query<T> A query.RabbitMQClient NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.RabbitMQConsumer A stream of messages from a rabbitmq queue.RabbitMQMessage Represent a message received message received in a rabbitmq-queue.RabbitMQPublisher A reliable publisher that Queues up messages internally until it can successfully call basicPublish.ReadStream<T> Represents a stream of items that can be read from.ReadStreamSubscriber<R,J> RecordParser A helper class which allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed size records.RedirectAuthHandler An auth handler that's used to handle auth by redirecting user to a custom login page.Redis A simple Redis client.RedisAPI Auto generated Redis API client wrapper.RedisConnection A simple Redis client.RedisDataSource Service type for Redis data source.Request Builder for REDIS requests that will be encoded according to the RESP protocol was introduced in Redis 1.2.RequestParameter Request parameter holderRequestParameters Container for request parametersRequestPredicate Request predicateRequestPredicateResult Result of aRequestPredicate
Response The response received from the REDIS server.ResponseContentTypeHandler A handler which sets the response content type automatically according to the bestAccept
header match.ResponsePredicate A predicate on .ResponsePredicateResult Represents the outcome of aResponsePredicate
applied to an .ResponseTimeHandler Handler which adds a header `x-response-time` in the response of matching requests containing the time taken in ms to process the request.ResultSet It is likeAsyncResultSet
, but adapted for Vert.x.RockerTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the Rocker library.RoleBasedAuthorization Represents a role.Route A route is a holder for a set of criteria which determine whether an HTTP request or failure should be routed to a handler.Router A router receives request from anHttpServer
and routes it to the first matchingRoute
that it contains.RouterBuilder Interface to build a Vert.x Web from an OpenAPI 3 contract.RouteToEBServiceHandler Handler that proxy the request to an event bus endpoint, waits for the reply and then writes the HTTP response.RoutingContext Represents the context for the handling of a request in Vert.x-Web.Row A single row of theexecution result rowset
.RowIterator<R> An iterator for processing rows.RowMapper<T> Map a to an arbitraryT
object.RowSet<R> The execution result of the row set of a query provided as
, commonly used as aRowSet
.RowStream<T> A row oriented stream.SalesforceAuth Simplified factory to create an for Salesforce.Schema Interface representing a Json SchemaSchemaParser Parse a Json Schema.SchemaRouter Represents a pool where parsed schemas are addressed and cached.ScopeAuthorization Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.SecurityScheme An authentication handler factory.SelfSignedCertificate A self-signed certificate helper for testing and development purposes.ServerFrame Structure passed to server handler when receiving a frame.ServerWebSocket Represents a server side WebSocket.ServiceDiscovery Service Discovery main entry point.ServiceExporter The service exporter allows integrate other discovery technologies with the Vert.x service discovery.ServiceImporter The service importer allows integrate other discovery technologies with the Vert.x service discovery.ServicePublisher The publisher is used by the importer to publish or unpublish records.ServiceReference Once a consumer has chosen a service, it builds aServiceReference
managing the binding with the chosen service provider.Session A shell session.Session Represents a browser session.SessionHandler A handler that maintains aSession
for each browser session.SessionStore A session store is used to store sessions for an Vert.x-Web web appSharedData Shared data allows you to share data safely between different parts of your application in a safe way.Shell An interactive session between a consumer and a shell.ShellServer The shell server.ShellService The shell service, provides a remotely accessible shell available via Telnet or SSH according to theShellServiceOptions
configuration.ShiroAuth Factory interface for creating Apache Shiro basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.ShopifyAuth Simplified factory to create an for Shopify.SignalHandler NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.SimpleAuthenticationHandler A user customizable authentication handler.SocketAddress The address of a socket, an inet socket address or a domain socket address.SockJSHandler A handler that allows you to handle SockJS connections from clients.SockJSSocket You interact with SockJS clients through instances of SockJS socket.SockJSTermHandler NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from theoriginal
non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.SoundcloudAuth Simplified factory to create an for SoundCloud.SqlAuthentication Factory interface for creatingAuthenticationProvider
instances that use the Vert.x SQL client.SqlAuthorization Factory interface for creating instances that use the Vert.x SQL client.SqlClient Defines common SQL client operations with a database server.SQLClient A common asynchronous client interface for interacting with SQL compliant databaseSqlClientHelper SqlConnection A connection to the database server.SQLConnection Represents a connection to a SQL databaseSQLOperations Represents a SQL query interface to a databaseSqlOutParam Tag if a parameter is of type OUT or INOUT.SqlResult<T> An interface that represents the execution result of an operation on the database server.SQLRowStream A ReadStream of Rows from the underlying RDBMS.SqlTemplate<I,R> An SQL template.SqlUserUtil Utility to create users/roles/permissions.SrvRecord Represent a Service-Record (SRV) which was resolved for a domain.StaticHandler A handler for serving static resources from the file system or classpath.StompClient Defines a STOMP client.StompClientConnection Once a connection to the STOMP server has been made, client receives aStompClientConnection
, that let send and receive STOMP frames.StompServer Defines a STOMP server.StompServerConnection Class representing a connection between a STOMP client a the server.StompServerHandler STOMP server handler implements the behavior of the STOMP server when a specific event occurs.StreamBase Base interface for a stream.StripeAuth Simplified factory to create an for Stripe.StyledParameterProcessorFactory This interface is used to build complex parameter processors supported only in cookie & query.TcpEventBusBridge TCP EventBus bridge for Vert.xTemplateEngine A template template uses a specific template and the data in a routing context to render a resource into a buffer.TemplateHandler A handler which renders responses using a template engine and where the template name is selected from the URI path.Term The terminal.TermServer A server for terminal based applications.ThymeleafTemplateEngine A template engine that uses the Thymeleaf library.TimeoutHandler Handler that will timeout requests if the response has not been written after a certain time.TimeoutStream A timeout stream is triggered by a timer, theHandler
will be call when the timer is fired, it can be once or several times depending on the nature of the timer related to this stream.TotpAuth An extension of AuthProvider which uses the one time passwords based on time to perform authentication.Transaction A transaction.Tty Provide interactions with the Shell TTY.Tuple A general purpose tuple.TupleMapper<T> Map an arbitraryT
object to a .TupleParserFactory This interface is used to create able to parse serialized object structures.TwitterAuth Simplified factory to create an for Twitter.TypeArg<T> UniHelper UploadScalar User Represents an authenticates User and contains operations to authorise the user.ValidationHandler This is the entry point of this module.ValidationHandlerBuilder Builder for a .Vertx The entry point into the Vert.x Core API.VertxBatchLoader<K,V> A that works well with Vert.x callback and based APIs.VertxContextPRNG A secure non blocking random number generator isolated to the current context.VertxDataFetcher<T> A that works well with Vert.x callback and based APIs.VertxMappedBatchLoader<K,V> A that works well with Vert.x callback and based APIs.VertxParameterProvider VertxPropertyDataFetcher Extends so that properties can be read from a .Watch<T> Watches are a way of specifying a view of data (e.g.WatchResult<T> WebAuthn Factory interface for creating WebAuthN basedAuthenticationProvider
instances.WebAuthnHandler An auth handler that provides FIDO2 WebAuthN Relay Party support.WebClient An asynchronous HTTP / HTTP/2 client calledWebClient
.WebClientSession An asynchronous sessions aware HTTP / HTTP/2 client calledWebClientSession
.WebEnvironment Utility API to verify which environment is the web application running.WebSocket Represents a client-side WebSocket.WebSocketBase Base WebSocket implementation.WebSocketFrame A WebSocket frame that represents either text or binary data.WildcardPermissionBasedAuthorization Represents a wildcard permission (ie: 'manage:order:*' '*:orders', '*', etc.) Note that it can optionally be assigned to a specific resourceWorkerExecutor An executor for executing blocking code in Vert.x .WriteStream<T> Represents a stream of data that can be written to.WriteStreamSubscriber<T> AWriteStream
adapter.XFrameHandler The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a,