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SmallRye GraphQL Maven plugin

This Maven plugin allows you to generate the GraphQL Schema on build and save it as a text file.

Add this to your pom.xml:


The schema will appear as target/generated/schema.graphql by default. The goal is bound to the process-classes build phase.

Configuration options

  • destination - To override the default target/generated/schema.graphql destination

  • includeDependencies - Scan project’s dependencies for GraphQL model classes too. This is necessary if your GraphQL endpoint exposes classes that are not in the application's main module. Off (false) by default, because scanning a potentially large dependency tree slows down execution substantially. Usage of reactive types does not require turning this option on.

  • includeDependenciesScopes - If the above includeDependencies is true, you can control what scopes should be included. Default is compile, system

  • includeDependenciesTypes - If the above includeDependencies is true, you can control what types should be included. Default is jar

  • includeScalars - Include scalars in the schema. Default false.

  • includeDirectives - Include directives in the schema. Default false.

  • includeSchemaDefinition - Include the schema definition. Default false.

  • includeIntrospectionTypes - Include the introspection types in the schema. Default false.

  • typeAutoNameStrategy - Strategy for transforming class names into GraphQL type names. Valid values are MergeInnerClass, Full andDefault.