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Applications often require different configurations depending on the target environment. For example, the local development environment may be different from the production environment. Profiles allow for multiple configurations in the same file or separate files and select between them via a profile name.

Profile aware properties#

To be able to set properties with the same name, each property needs to be prefixed with a percentage sign % followed by the profile name and a dot . in the syntax %{profile-name}


To activate the profile dev, the configuration smallrye.config.profile=dev has to be set into any valid ConfigSource.

Any lookup to the http.port property name will first search by the active profile name %dev.http.port and then fallback to http.port if no value is present. In this case a lookup to the property http.port with the dev profile active, yields the value 8181.


The profile must be set in one of the primary sources (system properties, environment variables,, or any other source that does not require configuration) to determine the proper configuration.

Profile aware files#

Properties for a specific profile may reside in a microprofile-config-{profile}.properties named file. The previous example can be expressed as:


In this style, the property names in the profile aware file do not need to be prefixed with the profile name.


Properties in the profile aware file have priority over profile aware properties defined in the main file.


Do not use Profile aware files to set smallrye.config.profile. This will not work because the the profile is required in advance to load the profile aware files.


Profile lookups are only valid if the ConfigSource has a higher ordinal than a lookup to the regular configuration name. Consider:

Even with the profile dev active, the lookup value for my.prop is 1234. This prevents lower ordinal sources to set a profile property value that cannot be overridden unless the profile property is also overridden.

Multiple Profiles#

Multiple Profiles may be active at the same time. The configuration smallrye.config.profile accepts a comma-separated list of profile names: smallrye.config.profile=common,dev. Both common and dev are separate profiles.

When multiple profiles are active, the rules for profile configuration are the same. If two profiles define the same configuration, then the last listed profile has priority. Consider:





  • common.prop value is common
  • dev.prop value is dev
  • my.prop value is 5678
  • test.prop does not have a value

It is also possible to define multiple profile properties, with a comma-separated list of profile names:


The property name common.prop is active in both dev and prod profile. If the same property name exists in multiple profile properties then, the property name with the most specific profile wins:



Then my.prop value is 5678.

Parent Profile#

A Parent Profile adds multiple levels of hierarchy to the current profile. The configuration smallrye.config.profile.parent also acccepts a comma-separated list of profile names.

When the Parent Profile is active, if a property cannot be found in the current active Profile, the config lookup fallbacks to the Parent Profile. Consider:





  • common.prop value is common
  • dev.prop value is dev
  • my.prop value is 0
  • test.prop does not have a value


Do not use Profile aware files to set smallrye.config.profile.parent`. This will not work because the the profile is required in advance to load the profile aware files.

Multi-level Hierarchy#

The Parent Profile also supports multiple levels of hierarchies:


Will load the following profiles in order: child, parent, grandparent, greatgrandparent, end