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SmallRye Config provides an interceptor chain that hooks into the configuration values resolution. This is useful to implement features like Profiles , Property Expressions, or just logging to find out where the config value was loaded from.

An interceptor can be created by implementing the ConfigSourceInterceptor interface.

An interceptor requires an implementation of io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptor. Each implementation requires registration via the ServiceLoader mechanism in the META-INF/services/io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptor file. Alternatively, interceptors may be registered via the Programmatic API in SmallRyeConfigBuilder#withInterceptors.

The io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptor is able to intercept the resolution of a configuration name with the method ConfigValue getValue(ConfigSourceInterceptorContext context, String name). The ConfigSourceInterceptorContext is used to proceed with the interceptor chain. The chain can be short-circuited by returning an instance of io.smallrye.config.ConfigValue. The ConfigValue objects hold information about the key name, value, config source origin and ordinal.


The interceptor chain is applied before any conversion is performed on the configuration value.

package org.acme.config;

import static io.smallrye.config.SecretKeys.doLocked;

import jakarta.annotation.Priority;

import io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptor;
import io.smallrye.config.ConfigLogging;

@Priority(Priorities.LIBRARY + 200)
public class LoggingConfigSourceInterceptor implements ConfigSourceInterceptor {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 367246512037404779L;

    public ConfigValue getValue(final ConfigSourceInterceptorContext context, final String name) {
        ConfigValue configValue = doLocked(() -> context.proceed(name));
        if (configValue != null) {
            ConfigLogging.log.lookup(configValue.getName(), configValue.getLocation(), configValue.getValue());
        } else {
        return configValue;

And registration in:


The LoggingConfigSourceInterceptor logs looks up configuration names in the provided logging platform. The log information includes config name and value, the config source origin and location if exists.

Interceptors may also be created with an implementation of io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptorFactory. Each implementation requires registration via the ServiceLoader mechanism in the META-INF/services/io.smallrye.config.ConfigSourceInterceptorFactory file. Alternatively, interceptors factories may be registered via the Programmatic API in SmallRyeConfigBuilder#withInterceptorFactories.

The ConfigSourceInterceptorFactory can initialize an interceptor with access to the current chain (so it can be used to configure the interceptor and retrieve configuration values) and set the priority.

A ConfigSourceInterceptor implementation class can specify a priority by way of the standard jakarta.annotation.Priority annotation. If no priority is explicitly assigned, the default priority value of io.smallrye.config.Priorities.APPLICATION is assumed. If multiple interceptors are registered with the same priority, then their execution order may be non-deterministic.

A collection of built-in priority constants can be found in io.smallrye.config.Priorities. It is recommended to use io.smallrye.config.Priorities.APPLICATION as a baseline for user defined interceptors.