Eclipse MicroProfile Platform
- SmallRye Config
An implementation of MicroProfile Config
- SmallRye JWT
An implementation of MicroProfile JWT RBAC
- SmallRye Health
An implementation of MicroProfile Health
- SmallRye Fault Tolerance
An implementation of MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
- SmallRye Metrics
An implementation of MicroProfile Metrics
- SmallRye OpenAPI
An implementation of MicroProfile OpenAPI
- SmallRye OpenTracing
An implementation of MicroProfile OpenTracing
- RESTEasy REST Client
An implementation of MicroProfile REST Client
Eclipse MicroProfile Standalone
- SmallRye Context Propagation
An implementation of MicroProfile Context Propagation
- SmallRye Mutiny
Intuitive Event-Driven Reactive Programming Library for Java and an implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators
- SmallRye Reactive Messaging
An implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging
- SmallRye GraphQL
An implementation of MicroProfile GraphQL
SmallRye Standalone
- Jandex
Space efficient Java class file indexer and offline reflection library
- SmallRye Common
Common utilities for SmallRye projects and maybe more
- SmallRye Reactive Utils
Helps the development of Reactive Applications
- SmallRye Open Telemetry
Integration of OpenTelemetry in MicroProfile and SmallRye
- SmallRye Async API
Implementation of the AsyncAPI with MicroProfile
- SmallRye Converters
Provides an API to convert a
type to something else