Eclipse MicroProfile Platform

Eclipse MicroProfile Standalone

SmallRye Context Propagation

An implementation of MicroProfile Context Propagation

SmallRye Mutiny

Intuitive Event-Driven Reactive Programming Library for Java and an implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators

SmallRye Reactive Messaging

An implementation of MicroProfile Reactive Messaging

SmallRye GraphQL

An implementation of MicroProfile GraphQL

SmallRye Standalone


Space efficient Java class file indexer and offline reflection library

SmallRye Common

Common utilities for SmallRye projects and maybe more

SmallRye Reactive Utils

Helps the development of Reactive Applications

SmallRye Open Telemetry

Integration of OpenTelemetry in MicroProfile and SmallRye

SmallRye Async API

Implementation of the AsyncAPI with MicroProfile

SmallRye Converters

Provides an API to convert a String type to something else