Fault Tolerance 6.8.0

Today, we announce the release of SmallRye Fault Tolerance 6.8.0. This release contains one new feature.

In SmallRye Fault Tolerance 6.7.0, we introduced a new programmatic API, together with an annotation to use the programmatically created Guard / TypedGuard objects declaratively: @ApplyGuard. In this release, we add support for configuration for @ApplyGuard using MicroProfile Config. Note that Guard and TypedGuard themselves still do not support configuration, only @ApplyGuard does.

This means that if you want to configure the Guard/TypedGuard used declaratively via @ApplyGuard, you should NEVER use those objects programmatically. Configuration is applied on creation, which happens lazily, on the first use. This first use must be through @ApplyGuard, otherwise configuration would be ignored.

Configuration keys are still the same, except you use the @Identifier value instead of a <classname> or <classname>/<methodname>.

For example, let’s assume the following Guard declaration:

public class PreconfiguredFaultTolerance {
    public static final Guard GUARD = Guard.create()

Then, to configure the maximum number of retries, one can use the following configuration keys:

  • SmallRye Fault Tolerance specific: smallrye.faulttolerance."my-fault-tolerance".retry.max-retries

  • specification defined: my-fault-tolerance/Retry/maxRetries

Global configuration also applies to @ApplyGuard. In this case, the keys are:

  • SmallRye Fault Tolerance specific: smallrye.faulttolerance.global.retry.max-retries

  • specification defined: Retry/maxRetries

Enablement configuration also applies. Note however that if the Guard or TypedGuard is created without certain fault tolerance strategy, no amount of configuration can add it. Configuration only applies to strategies that were added in the builder.

As usual, if you have any ideas for improvements, please file an issue!